Eating dreams
I did have them in the beginning, and about 6 months ago had one where I went to Krispy Kreme and got a hot dozen and ate them all! I woke in a panic because I KNEW that would make me sick..........I can eat 1 donut with no problems, but a dozen? I'd be passed out from the carb coma!!
Completely normal! It should go away soon. Oh, and have you noticed ALL THE FOOD commercials??!!!
I had food dreams in the beginning, that I had eaten all sorts of things I shouldn't or that it was all a dream and I woke up MO again. Thankfully I never have them anymore. I rarely think about food at all, refuse to watch the Food Network or look at websites that promote food or recipes, I avoid Pinterest like the plague for this very reason. My dreams are affected by what I read or watch before I go to sleep, so I try to keep it all good.