Surgery May 1st
I am having a revision from the mini-gastric bypass to the roux-en-y on Wednesday, May 1st. It was originally supposed to be on April 26th, but the doctor got called out of town unexpectedly. I am now going for IV infusions every other day after ending up in the ER a few days ago. My heart rate was 135 because I was so dehyrdated. My heart rate is usually in the 60s.
Anyways, I am so scared. I have never been this scared before any surgery. I am down to 162 pounds and feel terrible. I know 162 sounds like a lot, but I'm 5'11", so 180-185 is a great weight for me. I can only keep some liquids down at this point due to a stricture that won't stay open with endoscopic dilations. This is pretty rare from what I've read, especially after being 6 1/2 years post-op.
So I just wanted to vent a little. I'm hoping everything goes okay and it's uneventful. I never thought I'd have to go through this all over again.
The MGB is not performed by many surgeons. There is only one connection to the intestines made and they think that's what's causing the problems. Basically, the bile has nowhere to drain in some people and backs up causing bile reflux. My connection between my stomach and intestines keeps closing, so the thought is that the bile is irritating it and causing it to close. I hope that this fixes it, because I can't go on like this much longer. It's so depressing. I can't even go out to eat anymore because I end up getting sick.