For you gym rats, a question

on 4/7/13 8:11 am

Brilliant plan!  There is this guy who runs a bariatric center, Yoni Freehoff, he has a blog I follow and he says that you need to focus on doing the things you can enjoy forever and sustain forever because that is what it will require.  If you are losing weight doing things you despise and are not sustainable then it just isn't going to stick.  That being said, depending on your fitness level, exercise and moving your body can be uncomfortable.  But I promise as you gain fitness it gets more enjoyable.  i went for a run today because I actually WANTED to .  Can you believe it? It was gorgeous here and I just wanted to feel the wind in my hair so out I went.  sign up for everything and just try it out.  Yoga is awesome!  And the research indicates it helps with mindful eating and stress management (which is obviously a big contributor to overeating).  Good luck!!!!!

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