It all depends on the density of the food ... the pouch does mature and a mature pouch can fit more than the volume of food that one could fit at one year out or less ... some people can fit up to 6-8 or more ounces of food with their mature pouch in one sitting.. I myself depending on the density of the food can never eat more than 4 oz straight without a pause ... those cookies were kind of dense ... I believe it was the bran that filled me up right away so I stopped after eating 1 and 1/2 of them I was full, felt them in my throat and had no intention of pushing further less I gag... I waited a few minutes while my coffee cooled a bit and then I drank my coffee...just like my salad ... I ate the chicken and a bit of the gorgonzola and some spinach leaves and was stuffed ... and still am ... I was going to eat more of it later but it started looking sad so I threw it out ... Right now I am sipping on a cramping cold glass of ice water with a few drops of lemon juice in it ...
Thanks for allowing me to share....