Milestones and anniversarys
March 23 will be the once year mark since my revision to RNY from VBG. March 16th will be my 50th birthday. I took this week off work even though I am broke to recoup from the stresses at work and think about things. Yesterday the weather was nice with a high about 68*F. About noon I loaded my bike into my Kia Soul and drove up to the head of a relatively new bike trail in Dallas called the cottonwood trail. I have passed by several places where you can see this from the road or highway and have been ever so curious as to what secrets the trail had.
My wife said I was not ready for such a long trek yet but I figured I was. I started off down the trail and found that it's mostly level, mostly extremely well maintained and I rode the trail (It's a wide paved sidewalk) all the way down to the lake. Round trip that was 25 miles on the bike. I did that in just over 2 hours. No speed record but I wanted to burn calories and see the sights. The trail runs along a brook/creek and is very scenic. I was mighty sore in the knees when I got home (I have arthritis) but I was very happy also. Scale also move three pounds between today and my weight on Monday!
Turning 50 for me is a time to reflect on things. Yes I have regrets, yes I have things I have done wonderfully well and certainly have had some complete failures.
I was on the Brittish TV program "Supersize Vs Superskinny". I was to be the example to Brittsh Citizen Geoff Milton about what would happen to him if he did not change his ways. In the year since the program aired he has taken off a good amount of weight but because I got medical help I have lost a great deal more and I actually weigh less than he does now. He is dead set that he can do it all the natural way. I know myself that I need all the help I can get and more than just a little luck to get any where with my ongoing battle with food.
My wife got a RNY in October and she is already down 70 lbs. Since she was only just a little over 100 lbs over ideal weight she really doing well. She is becoming much more outgoing and yes opinionated ((LOL)).
Turning 50, I see so many things I should have done earlier in life but we can't live in the past. I have to take responsibility for the choices I have made and make the most of what I have right now. I am looking for ways I can help those who are much younger and perhaps if I can coach them I can at least make a difference.
Ok before I ramble on and on, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the bike ride. Something I could not have dreamed of doing a year ago.
That's awesome!! I know you are proud! Glad your wife is doing well also!
HW 225, SW 219, GW 140, CW 124
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Last week, I nervously shopped for a bicycle to put in the back of my Alien Green Kia Soul, but decided to first rent a few times to see if I can even manage cycling. (last time on a bike was 1982) I am looking for ways to give back, too. I signed up for training to become a support group leader, am volunteering with a medical lab testing my metabolism before/after surgery, and I have arranged for my body to be donated to the University of Minnesota Medical School for research. I look forward to a June flight (w/o a seat belt extension) to Highland Village, Texas to celebrate my nieces' graduation and to see my daughter's exhibit creation at the Ross Perot Science Museum. All the Best to you and your wife for new adventures, as well.