Almost a year out

Allen Y.
on 3/5/13 10:20 pm - Garland, TX

I have dropped 200 pounds but have not dropped anything in a little over a month. I have been drinking allot of diet redbull and I have decided to swear off that and not drink any more of it. My doctor does not have a policy against caffeine. His primary thing is he wants us getting at least 100G of protein a day and keep up with all our vitamins.  I was a heavy weight, almost 600 lbs and now have been at about 360 lbs for awhile. In the last week I have had an arthritis flare up. In my knees and hips. Even so I can still do 300% more now than when I was at 561 pounds. This morning I decided to pay even more attention to what I eat. I had a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. 

I think for sure I will go to the gym today. I saw a episode of  "MY 600 POUND LIFE" where the woman just refused to comply and she died. It was so sad. He husband had left her and I know she was eating to comfort herself. I too am an emotional binge eater. Even after my bypass I have a tendency to abuse food. I have to keep my intellect in charge of food and not my emotions.

I am a member of a TOPS group. They have had the same leaders for years mostly because no one wants to take charge and do anything. I ran for and have been elected chapter leader. I did this selfishly for myself. I feel like if I am to be a leader I must also be an example and thus I must drive my self to succeed. It will also be gratifying to me if I can help anyone else get control of their lifestyle.  I am a Christian, and I have come to truly believe that our bodies are temples on loan to us by our creator. If we abuse them the result is there for everyone else to see and ultimately we live in the skin that we made for ourselves. Our genetics play a part in it. But we all to often ignore what we see clearly told to us and don't do nearly enough mitigate the bad cards that are sometimes dealt to us. Kind of  like those song lyrics "ever hand is a winner and every hand is a looser", the secret is knowing how to play your cards. 

I did find some lactose free skim milk that I like the taste of and it does not make me sick. I was never lactose intolerant  before the surgery but I am big time now. No I am not drinking allot of milk.  But at least I can cook with it and not worry about the dumps afterward. 

I basically have 100 lbs to go to reach my goal weight. I really want to get that off in the next year and then I have to learn to keep if off for good long term.





on 3/5/13 10:58 pm - TX
RNY on 01/24/13
Good to know you are doing well. I was keeping up with you and your wife a while back. We are all Texans. Hope she is doing well also. Last I heard she was having some buyers remorse as they call it. I just had my surgery Jan. 24th and was knocked pretty flat for a week or so. But back up and limping along now. I am losing and the doc is very pleased. So far 40 lost and more to lose but I will get there. Anyway just touching base and glad you are on track. Good luck on the leadership role. Being an example will keep you compliant I think.



Allen Y.
on 3/6/13 7:38 am - Garland, TX

Thanks, Melanie has dropped 70 LBS and looks absolutly fantastic. She is loosing a little hair, but she had way thick hair before so only her husband, (ME) would notice cause it's always in the bathtub drain. LOL



on 3/5/13 11:35 pm

I find your thread very motivating and inspiring Allen ... you have done AWESOME almost a year out ... with your determination I am certain you are most definitely rock maintenance when you get there ... you sir, have inspired me today... Thanks for sharing!!!

View more of my photos at

autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


Oxford Comma Hag
on 3/6/13 12:53 am
Wow, Allen, great job! Congrats and keep up the good work.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

Mary Catherine
on 3/6/13 1:24 am

We all have hopes and dreams.  Most of us do great when we have a deadline to meet for work.  We put forth the extra effort, make a plan of action and do not rest until the job is done.  Very few people do the same with their personal lives.  Most of us just drift through and put things off until tomorrow.

You are one of those rare exceptions that takes charge, makes plans, puts a date on those plans and gets the job done.  I have no doubt that you are going to lose the rest of the weight and be a shining example to your TOPS group and to everyone who knows you. 

Allen Y.
on 3/6/13 7:41 am - Garland, TX

You are so right, we all know how to loose weight. Few of us make any 'real' effort to loose weight. A diet will never work, what it takes is a lifestyle change.



on 3/6/13 2:42 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

I still am a heavyweight.  I listen closely at support group to a member who is a male nurse for the extreme obese housebound.  He believes he has seen such a thing as someone who loses the ability to want help.  For example, he was hired to care for a wealthy man physically trapped inside his beautiful lake home.  The man eventually died.  Maybe that's the case of the woman on "My 600 Pound Life?"  Who knows for sure.  Some people would argue if there is a will there is always a way-- I question it now.   I am grateful to still have the ability to want help.  You do, too. Thankfully, most of us do.  Let's keep going.

Allen Y.
on 3/6/13 7:36 am - Garland, TX





on 3/6/13 2:48 am - Camp Verde, AZ
RNY on 12/31/12

I'm on lunch break at work and just read your post.  Wow....I'm a newbit, only 9 weeks out, but your post really inspired me today.  I'm super emotional at this point so maybe its just that, but your post made me cry.  Thank you so much for posting!

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