Tough Day......6 months tomorrow

on 2/21/13 4:44 am - MN
RNY on 08/22/12

Hello All -

It is almost Friday :-)  I am not sure what my problem is but I am down in the dumps for sure today. I am on the verge of crying about every 10 minutes......maybe it is PMS?

I am 6 months post op tomorrow - I started out at 290 and am down to 208......but for some stupid reason I feel like it is not enough - I have been bouncing around 208 - 210 for the last month or so and it is making me insane.......I do not see my weight loss when I look in the mirror ... and worst of all I constantly compare my weight loss to others....which I really need to stop doing because it is making me insane!

I had my appointment with my surgeon (6 months) and he is very pleased with how I am doing - said he wished all of his patients were like me.  I was very happy about that :-)  I am still waiting on my labs to come back but I do know for sure that my B-12 is high :-)  Guess I have been overdoing it with that vitamin.

I guess I am frustrated - in my mind I had it that I would lode 100 pounds by 6 months........ This scale stall is making me nutso.....any suggestions on what I can do to feel better and get that dang scale to move would be so appreciated. :-)

Hope everyone is having a great day:-)  I am going to get a cup of coffee, put on my big girl panties, and be super grateful for what I have accomplished and how good I feel.  I am more than a number right ??!! :-)

Thanks for letting me whine xoxox

on 2/21/13 4:58 am - OH

I'm sorry you're having a rough day but sounds like you're doing fantastic!  But keep you're head up you're just getting starting on your "losing" journey!  Hope tomorrow is a better day for you!

on 2/21/13 5:09 am, edited 2/21/13 5:10 am - San Jose, CA

I set my goal to lose 100 pounds in one year. You've lost almost so much in in a couple of months. That is GREAT news! Be proud of your accomplishment and stop comparing yourself to others because it will definitely affect you. I was doing that and I started reverting to my old way of thinking and that had to stop! I was not having it. 

Focus on your success, on how beautiful and healthy you are. We have been giving a second chance at living healthy, to me at least, that means physically and emotionally. Think positive. You are worth it. 

on 2/21/13 5:03 am - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12 oure-a-slow-loser-I-beg-to-differ/#38152096

I did the math for you, You have lost 28% of your body weight, and 54.6% of your total excess body weight lost. Those are pretty good numbers.

But other things to look at, are you working out and adding muscle? How many calories are you getting in a day? How much protein? B12 being high is ok, it will not hurt you. I keep mine at 1300-1500, highest it has been was 2000. I have my 6 month visit here in 2 weeks, and I know its stressful but remember that you still have a long time to get to goal weight.

 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 2/21/13 5:14 am
RNY on 10/31/12


Sometimes I get frustrated and impatient too if I don't lose a certain amount each week.

I'm halfway to my goal now and feeling less stressed.

Your doing great and sometimes you just need to hear it.

Maybe you are at a plateau.

on 2/21/13 5:19 am - Brighton, IL

I am so sorry you are down in the dumps today. I don't think this winter weather helps us any with that. You have done great in 6 months-your doctor said so and this is his area of expertise. I don't like to make number goals because there are so many factors that affect whether you reach them or not. I just try to follow my plan and exercise just a little bit harder every day. Just look how far you have come!



on 2/21/13 5:37 am
RNY on 05/07/12

Ok.  First, you are doing just fine.  It has only been six months.  As you know this is a roller coaster ride like no other.  Our major weight loss occurs in the first 5 and 6 months.  After that we will continue to lose weight, but it is going to start slowing down now.  It will slow down at nine months and more at a year.  This is not to make you feel even worse, but to let you know you are following the norm.  I slowed way down at the 5 and 6 months and now at 9 months I have really slowed down.  These are not my statistics, these are facts that your surgeon may or may not have told you.  He said to maximize the first five to six months because it is going to slow down.  I have lost 96 lbs and I cannot even work out because of my mobility issues. My surgeon said to expect to lose maybe another 35 to fifty pounds and If I lose 3 to 5 pounds a month, I will have the rest off in a year.  Yes a year.  I am perfectly fine with that.   I am 60 years old to boot so keep in mind everything is relative. 

Stop and reflect on your success so far.  I love how I look, how I look in clothes and I am so please with this wonderful gift.  I have a long way to go and I mean when we all get to maintenance that is where the real work is going to begin. 

So keep up the good work.  Go buy some new lipstick, perfume or something to treat yourself with.  You earned it!   Jane

Dolores L.
on 2/21/13 6:57 am - FL
Revision on 08/14/12

I'm right there with ya sistah! I hit 6 months last week and thought I should have been further by now.

The surgeon is happy with my loss, says I am ahead of the curve for a revision, but it's still hard to see those that started out with me who have lost more. I wanted to be 15# less than I am at this point.  I also look in the mirror and have a hard time seeing it. And I too had to put on my big girl panties and deal with it! Anyway, I think it's normal and natural to feel frustrated. We just have to keep on keepin' on.


 Hang in there!


on 2/21/13 9:14 am - OK
RNY on 08/15/12
I hit my 6month mark on Feb 15rh,and lost 87 lbs. I too set my goal at 100 by then and was extremely disappointed in myself.I started at 303, &now am sitting at 217. I stalled at 224 then dried to 217 and here I am at a another stall. I was down in the dumps,venting to my aunt and she told me it took longer than 6months to put it on,it'll take longer than that to take it off. But you are doing fantasti****ep up the good work!
on 2/21/13 1:52 pm - AK

Seriously, we're all better of than where we started and need to focus on where we'll end up rather than where we are at now.  I am saying this for my benefit too, because I also wanted to be at 100lbs lost by March 1st (I'm at 89lbs officially and realize this is not that far off the mark).  I will be at seven months on February 26th.

You're doing very well, all of you!

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