Question about thyroid levels for anyone in the know please

on 1/12/13 2:03 am - MI

I was scheduled for RnY on 1/4. At pre-op on 12/26, surgery was canceled due to incredibly low thyroid levels. I have a old, blind, deaf dog who has me sleep deprived and has made a mess of my many meds. As I know thyroid has to be taken 1st thing am with nothing else for an hour, I let mine slide. I am aware that it takes awhile to build up in the blood and is really quick to drop off.

I am only concerned with TSH levels, for which normal is considered 0.34-5.60. Mine is 73.96 (this is not a typo). I am supposed to take levothyroxine 250 mcgs daily in order to maintain a normal level. Since 12/26, I have faithfully taken 275 mcgs daily (I figured this would not hurt). I have a Rx for a TSH test and am looking for a guesstimate of when to have it done. The surgeon says that they will do it when I show "under 20.00", which is still not great, but still okay for surgery. I do not want to have it tested too soon, where the number would still be above 20.00, but I do not want to wait any longer than necessary, as I am due to have a rather large surgery done as soon as I am healed well enough from the RnY. (I need a revision to a total hip replacement done almost 2 years ago and I have a loose rod in my femur and it hurts.)

In my mind, I am thinking that if I was a new thyroid patient and they were trying to adjust my level, they would check it every 6 weeks, so in my mind, as I do not have to get to the optimum level and am taking 25mcgs extra, that I should get a good reading at 4 weeks out that should show below 20.00.

What do you think?

  Blessings,   Lynn    

Band to RnY - 3/13/13

on 1/12/13 3:17 am - Orient, OH
RNY on 01/28/13

While 6 weeks is usually optimal, 4 weeks should show a significant change if you have been taking your medication every day, as directed. No way to tell if it will make it under 20 in just 4 weeks though.

BTW, congrats on your upcoming surgery! Mine is the 28th! :)


I would rather live my life believing there is a God, and die to find out there's not, than to live my life as if there were no God, and die to find out there is ~ source unknown ~ 


on 1/12/13 3:44 am - MI

Thank you.  I will have a blood draw on the 25th and wait for a hard copy for me and if it is under the 20.00, they can fax it to the doc for scheduling or see where I am at and try again.

I live in the middle of nowhere and it is a 3-hour-drive to where the surgery will take place.  Even getting labs done is 70 miles r/t.  I do not want to make more trips than necessary but need to be all healed up for our summer music festivals.

I remember when I worked at the hospital, we had a doctor who had to weigh at least 500# and she was quite short, as well.  She eventually had to use a cane to get around and it was so sad.  She had a gastric bypass and when she returned to work, it was like watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon.  Within a short time, the cane was gone and within a year, she looked simply amazing and was much more able to get around.

Good luck on your upcoming surgery.

  Blessings,   Lynn    

Band to RnY - 3/13/13

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