2 month check up
Went to PMRI on Monday for my 2 month check up. And to my surprise everything is great! I say to my surprise because I had been taking the gummie vitamins for about 6 months. And only the regular daily dose. It wasn't until I read Kelly's post about multivitamins that I realized how much better vitamins I could be taking (and as of Monday am now taking!). And I didn't realize I was taking the wrong calcium-carbonate, not citrate. So I went in thinking my vitamin levels were all going to be wonky.
But anyways, every one of my vitamin levels are great. Even the D3, which I had a deficiency in before surgery, is good. My Iron, folate, and protein was also good. The only thing that I have to cut back on taking is B12 because it was too high. I am dropped to taking it every other day.
I am down 19 inches in my waist since Oct, 2.5 in. down in my neck since Oct and 7 in. down in my hips since Oct. My overall weight loss since Aug is 63 lbs.
Even better? My cholesterol is good, my blood sugars are good, and my bp (of which I am taking med for) was 118/70! Whoohoo! I am hoping that by continuing to exercise and lose weight I'll be off my atenolol in a couple of months.
Just wanted to share,
Kendra make sure you get a copy of your labs pre op and each time you go post op. Compare them for trends. Sometimes surgeons will say things are "good" but if you watch the trends you can see they are going down and you can catch them before they become "bad".