Pain camparison - C-Section???
Did you have a vertical c-section or horizontal? Are you having open - I'm guessing 'yes' since you asking. I had an exploratory - with a vertical incision down the middle several years ago. It was on the lower abdomen. When I had surgery for RNY it was also open with a vertical incision - up higher - near my ribs. I would say that on hurt worse. Maybe just because I'm older. It wasn't unmanageable but it did hurt.
I haven't had a C-section, but I can tell you that for me the pain was no worse than the day after doing 50 sit-ups after not working out for a while. No real pain, just discomfort that I didn't even take Tylenol for. Everyone is different though....
High 250/Consult Weight 245/Surgery 205/Now 109
Height 5'4.5" BMI 18.4
In maintenance since June 2009
No, there is no comparison of he pain of an open C-section (or any major open surgery for that matter) and a lap procedure. There is much less pain and there is a much shorter healing time since the incisions into the muscle are only an inch long each (compared to the 5-6 in*****ision from a c-section or hysterectomy or compared to the 6-8 in*****ision from an open RNY).
i have had numerous surgeries that were open and have had numerous procedures that were laparoscopic. All of the lap procedures were a piece of cake compared to even the least painful of the open surgeries (my appendectomy).
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
I had a c-section in 2006 and then my RNY in September 2012. I thought the c-section was much easier than my RNY. I was counting on comparing the two pain wise as well. I figured it couldn't be worse than a c-section, but for me it was more painful. I'm sure it depends on each person, this is just my experience. I was able to get around much easier with my c-section compared to my RNY. I wanted to walk around and do things as soon as I could after I had my son, but it was all I could do to make myself get up and around after the RNY. Good luck, even with the pain it's the best thing I have done for myself and I'd do it again.
I had three vertical c-sections. I thought the recovery was harder for those than the RNY, especially with the whole taking care of a newborn thing on top of it all. I was able to walk slow laps around my house from my first day home (laps at the hospital from the first day). My pain was well controlled with meds for 4-5 days, then I was able to ditch them completely.