Trouble in Paradise
I use a very small plate. Even my girls know when they set the plate to give me my baby plate. I also weigh my food so I know exactly what I am eating and what to enter into I take a sip of soda every now and then of my girls but not often as they mostly drink Diet Dr. Pepper or diet sodas with Cherry in them
My husband complains and whines about food that gets wasted. I just ignore it and figure it's better for my health to let that happen than to eat it and have my health ruined. He actually is eating more since my surgery because of that same mentality of don't waste food. He was overweight to begin with and gaining as I'm losing
You don't need a small plate or any tricks at all. Just weigh and measure what goes in your mouth before you eat it. Then you will know you have not eaten too much unless you go back for seconds. And what you don't eat instead of having your husband get upset about wasted food, you can put it in the refrigerator and have it another day. I will weigh and measure and log everything I eat for the rest of my life. I think it is the only way to make sure I don't go off the wagon again. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach and I was never able to look at food and say oh that is 4 ounces. The 4 ounces grew to 6 then 8 then 10 and then "Oh the hell with it" and my fat ass came back soon. Weigh, measure, log that it the key to success. Ask your NUT I bet she or he agrees. I even take my scale to restaurants and friends homes when I am going to eat out.
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