Thoughts on age, body image and WHAT is "old" ?

on 11/26/12 3:47 am

Oh, I wasn't being specific about certain people, I can't remember everyone who as made the comment but I can't believe that anyone is considered old until they are 90 +.  It is a mental issue.  WLS does change us to feel energetic and therefore younger.


on 11/26/12 2:54 am - At Home in, NH

I'm older.  That's just a fact, a statement of relativity.  53 is older; older than 47; older than 33, older than 21.  But do I feel old? Hell no! 

I had WLS for a variety of reasons; however, the most prevalent was for my longevity. I work at a University and it is a very "young" culture (as it should be), and working here serves as a daily reminder that I was not going to live a long life if I didn't get the weight off.  So #1 reason for WLS - longevity/health; #2 reason - sure I'll admit it - vanity.  I wanted to be trim and fit and thin in an astoundingly obese world.  And I want to look fine clothed.  Without clothes, that's subjective -- isn't it?  I mean I'll never have the body of anyone's fantasy woman, but I'm perfectly happy with some of my parts, and some well, they are what they are and that's that until I elect to have PS.

So as to the age related body image conundrum; back to 'I'm old'...and being fine with that.  Most importantly, I want to be old happily and energetically and with spark.  I have this image in my mind of what being old and being me looks like: a fit, trim silver haired, casually styled (thinking Eddie Bauer or J. Crew) woman who can run a 5K or climb a ladder to clean gutters, without being hobbled by weight, unhealthy living, and all those other factors that "age" us, regardless of our physical age.  I've found that as I've gotten older, that my desire to become that "idealized" gracefully aging woman is stronger and louder than when I was in my 20s/30/40s.  Realization of my mortaility makes that yearning that much more strong and more powerful.  And while I do not regret any of my life or life decisions prior to WLS, I now know that I steer the ship and choose my destination for my journey.  Health, fitness and lifestyle choices are what predicate my body image now, not being "hot" or fantasy-sexy (although I'm very happy being "warm" and feeling desired by men my age :)).

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

Amanda M.
on 11/26/12 3:40 am
RNY on 01/18/13
I am 27. I find "old" hard to identify nowadays. 50? Hell no! Not even 60. 70? Maybe. To me, it depends on the health of the person. My husband's grandma is almost 80, and I dont view her as old. She is still active and bright and fun! My grandma is 76 and I think of her as old. She struggles to walk, she is obese, smokes, has memory loss and lung problems. She is much closer to death (based on health) than my grandma in law. So naturally, I view her as old.
Age is how you take care of yourself and present yourself.

I want to look good. But I am getting this surgery because I want to FEEL good. I want to stop wheezing and sweating when I go up a flight of stairs. I dont want to see my kids disappointed faces when I cant run with them. I dont want them to grow up with weight problems. If I lose weight and look great, then awesome! But if my already sad boobies become empty sacs of sadness, you bet I will get them fixed if I can afford it. Its not about having big old fun bags to look sexy. Its about how I feel healthy. I am going to work hard to lose weight, and I would hate to think deflated breasts could ruin my image of health/confidence.

Age absolutely does not matter. Just because you age, doesnt mean you have to stop caring. I dont know anything more impressive than an elderly person who is fit and healthy and glowing with pride and happiness!
on 11/26/12 7:47 am - KY
RNY on 09/25/12

I am 51, soon to be 52.  Prior to surgery, I felt OLD.  Now, I have much more energy and I feel so much younger.  Also, before surgery, people commented about how young I looked...even though I felt older.  I would respond with, "My fat fills in my wrinkles."  Never knew how true that was until I started losing weight (first in my face), as I now have wrinkles and sagging under my eyes that I never had before.  I can say now that I don't really care about how my body looks, but I don't know if I will feel the same as the weight continues to come off?  My reason for surgery was for health issues, whereas if I had done this years before, it may have been for both health and physical appearance. 
As far as what is old?  I don't think there's really a number to define that, it's more how you feel and/or act in life.  I know some very young people who are "old" and some older people who are active and "young".
I keep saying that I don't want to have plastic surgery, because it's another major surgery and I'm not a huge fan of being put to sleep.  I'm always afraid I won't wake up :(  But, who knows what the future may bring...

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss~
on 11/26/12 5:05 pm - TX

Well, ya'll....I am 65 years old and will probaly turn 66 before the surgery.....My mind tells me I am still in my 20's.....but the body does not cooperate all the tine.  I have Fibromyalgia and this surgery will help with that I am told.  Also, I take blood pressure meds, which I am hoping to get off of too.  

I don't think this surgery will cause me to go into a tither ofer body image.  I know i will have to work hard with excecises to get back in shape.  It won't all be turned into a 20 year old, but I don't care.  I just want to be healthy.  I am looking so forwad to getting a date!!  I am ready!!!



Laura in Texas
on 11/26/12 7:06 pm

I'm 46. Age is just a number. I'm a single mom of 2 (ages 8 and 10) doing it alone so most days I am exhausted. But I know I have tons more energy now than I did at 339 pounds. I do feel sexier now than I did in my 20's (and I was thin then). I think age has definitely helped in my confidence area. And I am another one who did this for vanity. I like looking good and I know that keeps me on track.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

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