Weight Loss.....is this enough or do I really suck?

on 10/22/12 3:22 am - MN
RNY on 08/22/12
Hello Everyone!  I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying Monday :-)

So I have a few questions and I am hoping someone can shed some light :-)

I am 8 weeks out - I had surgery 8/22/2012 - I started at 289 and I am now at 247.6 = 41.4 pounds lost.

I feel like I totally suck at this weight loss thing.  I sometimes feel like maybe the doctor really didn't do the surgery on me because I have not been sick once (in kind of a sick way I want to try to overeat or eat a giant spoonfull of sugar to make something unpleasant happen - I won't do it)  I know I should be thankful that I have not been ill but I was looking forward to that as a reminder to eat better.

I am very very strict with what I eat. A carb has not passed my lips!  Always protien first, I have added in some veggies - only a little bit after my protien is done, I have 2 protien shakes a day and always get my water in.  I am just nervous that at my 3 month post-op appointment they are going to look at my weight loss and say - wow you suck!  I try to excercise every day even if it is a little walk.

My surgeon's office gave very little information regarding food at my last appointment which was 3 weeks out - I feel like I have been dropped on my head.  I have no instructions for the amount of calories I should be having and I am really worried b/c they are expecting me to eat between 3/4 to 1 cup of food at each meal........that really seems like alot........our tummies are only supposed to hold a few ounces of food - are they counting the few ounces of food the amount that it turns into after we chew it to death.  I love my surgeon butb the NUT's are a bunch of idiots!

Does anyone see anything wrong with this for food for a day - I felt like I stepped in it yesterday food wise.......

9 am - protien shake w/10 oz almond milk and sf rasberry syrup - 1 scoop pure protien
10 am - 1 c coffee w/ 2 tbsp s/f peppermint mocha creamer
12 pm - 1/2 c talapia (broiled) with mango salsa, t tbsp mashed califlower, 2 tomato slices w balsamic vineger and mozzerella cheese (1 tbsp)
2 pm - Oikos greek yogurt
4 pm - protien shake
5:30 pm - rotissere chicken, 2 slices tomato w. i tbsp mozzerella cheese, 2 tbsp mashed califlower
8:30 pm - 2 oz ham and one cheese stick
sf popsicles (2) my fave :-)

Am I eating too late at night?  Am I loony?  This is all so confusing!

Any advice would be appreciated!
on 10/22/12 3:44 am - San Jose, CA
The loss you have had is about 5lbs a week average. That is fantastic!! Try to remember, you didn;t put the weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight either.

At around 8 weeks out I was probably eating around 4oz of food per meal and supplementing with protein drinks throughout the day.

Your meal posted looks good to me. I'm a late dinner eater myself so 8:30pm doesn't seem too late to me. For me, the later I eat my dinner, the less likely that I will want to have a late snack.

HW: 295 / SW: 273 / CW: 169.4 / GW: 140 / Dream Goal: 120
Height: 5'3.5"  -  *22lbs of my weightloss was lost pre-surgery.



on 10/22/12 4:14 am
RNY on 08/27/12
Your weight loss is great! I feel ya about the NUT, mine told me she doesnt do menus for anyone past the pureed phase (wtf?). I eat about 1/4 to a 1/2 cup at 8 weeks out and was told 600-800 calories should be what I shoot for. I barely get 400 some days. Your protien seems good and as long as you are getting enough liquids and vitamins etc. you should be ok. There are stalls of course but dont get discouraged because it will pick up again. You are doing great as far as I can see...Congrats!

on 10/22/12 4:18 am - WA
RNY on 05/21/12
Hahahaha - First off CONGRATS! 

So, first off you are losing almost 21lbs a month! How could you NOT be on track? An average person watching calories and working out would only lose like 2-3lbs tops a week an average about 10lbs a month. You are doing a FANTASTIC JOB! 

Hahaha to put it in perspective I'm 5 months out and down 62lbs. So, you essentially at the moment are losing 7 more lbs a month then I was and my weight at surgery was 288 - I'm 226 now. Now - keep in mind you might not have every month where you are losing 21 lbs a month - some months you might only lose 10 some months might be 5. Your body fluctuates depending on what you are eating and activity level.  So, if say next month you only lose 10lbs don't freak out - it's normal. 

How much protein are you getting in via your shakes?  My doctor wants me to have between 60-80 in just shakes alone.  I generally eat between 800-900 calories in a day. My nutritionist said that is a good range for me currently.  

Are you hungry at 830 or do you just eat cause you feel you should?  You are obviously making good food choices but just curious.  You don't want to get into habit of eating just to eat or feel you need to.  

Ps. you are much better at no carbs then me - protein from meat bugged me at first and crackers were my friend. Trying to steer clear of them now...but sometimes...hahahaha

Btw - only 30% of people actually Dump.  Most of us do not. I've only been sick 2x and it was from eating to fast.  I also didn't feel that great after i had super processed sugary item. Stay clear of oreos hahahaha 1 did me in. :(  Other then that I don't have any issues.

Oh and in general I eat about 5 bites of my food and then i'm full so dont stress if you are full and can't finish something. Listen to your body - my GI DR told me the #1 reason RNY patients come into see him cause they are throwing up is cause they are eating to much.  So - if I'm full I stop - even if my mind wants more.  No more GIANT Thanksgiving dinners hahaha! 

Good luck and CONGRATS on your weight loss. :)

Candy V.
on 10/22/12 4:31 am - MI
RNY on 09/12/12
I will be at 6 weeks in a few days.  I am physically unable to eat as much as you have posted but everyone is different and you are farther out than I am .  My surgical reference book from the Dr recommends 80 grams protein and 600-800 calories for the first 6 mths, working up to 1200-1500 by a year.  I hope this helps you.  Sounds like you are doing well to me.  I should be eating more than I am.

 RNY 9/12    TT 9/13    HT 5' 4"   HW 250    SW 242   CW 125

Come keep it real in R&R 3.0 Want a group invite?  Send a PM  


on 10/22/12 4:33 am - NJ
are you looney?  yes
for thinking your done at 8 weeks.. c'mon bro

   ---------------(Starting Weight - 365) ------------ (Current Weight - 165) ------------    

Robin R.
on 10/22/12 4:38 am - PA
RNY on 10/12/12
i think you're doing fantastic! also, most people don't get sick til they hit the regular foods stage (not sure what stage you're on). even then, some people don't dump until a year or more out, because it usually happens when you're NOT being carefully and eat something sweet on accident or something.  keep up the good work and just keep aware that you ARE on track. :)
on 10/22/12 4:48 am - IN
RNY on 10/01/12
My plan says at 8 weeks out I should be eating no more than 4 oz. each meal. Right now at 3 weeks I am at 3 oz. and most of the time I can not fini****
on 10/22/12 4:57 am - MN
RNY on 08/22/12
Thank You All :-)  I feel so much better!  I was looking over my food journal and have found that the weeks that I lost the most were the weeks that I lost the most were the weeks when I ate a little bit more - and snuck more protien in with my unflavored protien powder. 

I have to keep remembering that this is an individual journey - I spazzed out today b/c a woman I know is at 4 months and lost 85 pounds..........that is not me and I just need to get over it.

I think sometimes I try to get a protien snack in later in the evening after dinner is because I am worried about getting all of my protien in - I am losing hair and I would like to put a stop to it if I can.  I also know that this was the time of night when I would eat (graze) before surgery.  Hmmmmm- I better stop that so I don't sabotoge myself and fall back into bad eating patterns.  Maybe some decaf coffee or tea with yummy sugar free creamer or a sugar free popsicle would be a much better choice instead of eating.

I do not have alot of faith in my NUT - there are 3 at my Dr's office and they all differ with what they tell you.  I have a few more weeks until my 3 mo post op appointment - I'd better get my butt on the treadmill, keep track of my food and rock on!

Thanks everyone!
Jilly Bean
on 10/22/12 5:13 am - IN
RNY on 07/09/12
 I can't eat that much at 3 months out.  Everyone is different.

Surgery weight:  232 lbs. / Goal: 145 lbs. Height:  5'5"     Fat? Ain't nobody got time for that.


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