nsv....What a Shocker
I had surgery on 9/10/12. I was home after surgery for 2 weeks, and honestly felt like I was having triplets. My stomach was so far out from the gas, it was amazing. It took 3 weeks before I could "feel" like I was losing weight, and 3 weeks before I could wear pants that had to button / zip. On Monday last week, I decided to start wearing my "work" clothes again to work (had been wearing the same elastic pants for a week, because the incisions were still tender). I grabbed a pair that were kind of tight before surgery thinking "Well they should fit now" and put them on. They fell off. I mean FELL OFF. I was laughing so hard my daughter ran in the room and said "I'm so proud of you mommy"...I don't know what felt better. As much as I miss "food" and by that I mean sitting down and eating a big meal, this is soooo much better. My husband last night said he couldn't believe I haven't complained once about what I have to eat and how much. The truth is, I don't miss the bad foods, what I miss is being able to eat more than 5 bites of something. Its like as soon as you start to enjoy the taste, your done..lol Its all mind games.