Yoga video suggestions
RNY on 08/14/12
I really like the Yoga for Dummies video as a starter video. Another favorite as a beginner is any beginner Rodney Yee video. You may be able to rent them from the library.
Also, check out if any of your area yoga studios offer classes for teens. It might be good for her to go to a class with other kids her own age--at least until she can get her own practice going. also has a beginners section online. I think you can build your own sequences, too.
Also, check out if any of your area yoga studios offer classes for teens. It might be good for her to go to a class with other kids her own age--at least until she can get her own practice going. also has a beginners section online. I think you can build your own sequences, too.
Thank you for your suggestions. I thought about putting her in a class, but she hardly has the time. She doesn't get home from school until 5 and then has several hours of homework. That is why I thought a tape might be good.
I will definitely check out the library. Last time I looked there for video's they were all from the 80's. You gotta love the hair out outfits. Hopefully they have updated their collection.
I will definitely check out the library. Last time I looked there for video's they were all from the 80's. You gotta love the hair out outfits. Hopefully they have updated their collection.