Smoking before surgery nicotine test
I was wondering if anyone out there quit smoking prior to surgery and if your surgeon gave you a nicotine test prior to surgery. I am having surgery in september andim trying my best to quit. Does anyone know how long nicotine stays in your system in order for it not to show up on my nicotine results that my surgeon will give me? Thanks in advance!
Many surgeons give all patients nicotine tests before surgery. I've known a couple people that had their surgeries postponed because they did not quit smoking in time.
I'm not sure how long it stays in your system. Maybe just a couple weeks? How long before surgery did your surgeon tell you that you needed to quit?
I'm not sure how long it stays in your system. Maybe just a couple weeks? How long before surgery did your surgeon tell you that you needed to quit?
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I too tried Chantix. It helped for about a year. My shrink put me on wellbutrin and I quit cold turke7y about a month later. I do know about depression, I was worried that they wouldn't do surgery because of that. I'm on wellbutrin, lorazapam, lamictal, risperidone. So I would be ok with taking Chantix (doctors supervision) and seriously think of maybe the side effects
I haven't had my surgery yet but have now quit smoking. My last cig was on May 13th. I used nicotine patches for 6 weeks and am now done with those and feel SO much better! It's still hard, of course, but not nearly as hard as it would be to be denied my surgery. My surgeon said that I even need to be off of the patches for as long as possible because the nicotine can cause your fresh surgery site to ulcerate or bleed. I just keep telling myself that one cigarette isn't worth having to wait months more to get my surgery. Good luck to you!!!