I had surgury a week ago and am still in ALOTE of pain!!!!
I had the bypass on wensday.was very pale but up and walking that evening.(had surgury at 11 am)The gas setteled in my left should.It actualy hurt way more than my tummy does. I kept telling them my i.v. was not "rite".and the nurse i had that nite ignored my warning.but thank god the p.a. didn't she watched it. an it blew big time around 2 am.My drain was also ignored by my "RN" (such as she was) and was not working rite and so i bleed an had drainage fliude all over me the bed and the floor.once again my VERY GOOD"patient advocate" was there to save the day.now it's thursday dr talks abotu me going home.and my new nurse says "dr her preassure is 49/54." he stops dead and says she don't get out of bed !get a hemoglobine work up done.I look at him and am finaly able to talk enough to tell him what all the other nurse was doing.
so 2 full units later.i get sent home on saturday.
That first rn had told my dr that i was "refusing to walk" all the other nurses came to my defence.
i can't say that i am upset w/my dr or even the hospital.just that 1 nurse. we all know how important good care is is the first dat or 2 after a surgury like this.
so i am home 24 hours now have a fever and still have to much pain.esp that shoulder.the walking gotrid of the belly gas .but boy i am realyy having to work that shoulder to get it out.oh well.
sick at my tummy tooo.
do you all think it is fever related or just normal post op stuff? thanks