I am 5 weeks post op and a few days ago I started feeling very sick to my stomach, no vomiting but my stomach feels bloated and when I eat or drink anything and it hits my stomach it feels like a big cramp. This is hard to explain but once the crampy feeling passes it feels like a lead ball in my stomach. I go to the hospital on Wednesday for my first follow up appointment. Any suggestions???
You are five weeks post op and have not had a single follow up appt yet? Why not?
Did you start eating or drinking something different a few days ago? I think you need to call your surgeon Monday. You may be developing a stricture.
Did you start eating or drinking something different a few days ago? I think you need to call your surgeon Monday. You may be developing a stricture.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
Up here in Canada after the surgery they give you information to take home and read and you have to call the hospital to set up your appointments and when I called that was the soonest available appointment. I did have a half a mouthful of beans but nothing else different, but I have not had a BM in a few days either. I usually have one everyday or every two days. I can't pass gas either and it feels like I need to have a big burp or something. Thank you for your comment Kelly.
Have you tried using Gas-X for the gas? Also, are you using fiber supplements? Those things might help you pass the gas and have a BM, but I strongly agree with Kelly - you need to be seen ASAP!
Five weeks post-op for a f/u is not acceptable! As a nurse who specializes in working in transitional care (patients transitioning from one care setting to another- i.e. hospital to home), I am appaled that your hospital is allowing this type of follow-up to take place. You should file a complaint! Ok, off my soapbox now...
Good luck!
Five weeks post-op for a f/u is not acceptable! As a nurse who specializes in working in transitional care (patients transitioning from one care setting to another- i.e. hospital to home), I am appaled that your hospital is allowing this type of follow-up to take place. You should file a complaint! Ok, off my soapbox now...
Good luck!