I need some help
Did the happy dance onto the Loser's Bench March 18, 2013!
Visit my blog at http://skinnyundermyfat.blogspot.com/
I'm glad you are seeing your therapist. Is there any way you can call him/her sooner than Monday to work through some of your feelings? If you do decide to take NSAIDS (my surgeon's office says ok to up to 7 days of them IF you are taking something to protect the stomach along with them), please also make sure you talk to your dr before doing so. She may have an even better idea for you. Vicodin does absolutely nothing for me except make me feel loopy. Doesn't touch pain in my body. Maybe a different pain med would work wonders.
I wish I had a nice, easy fix for you. I do wish you would reschedule and go back to the Cleveland Clinic. Then at least you would know for sure whether they can help you. Whatever you decide, just know we all care and you are not alone...or stupid...or crazy. You are just having a really difficult time right now. Hang in there!
All I can think of is either calling an Aging and Disability office near you, if you have one. We have them here and they are very helpful. Maybe they know of a volunteer who can go with you. Or the hospital social worker or even if you are able a local church. There are people out there who want to help, you just need to be hooked up. If I were in your shoes, and believe me I'm pretty close, I would even put an ad in my local Craigslist, in the community section under Volunteers asking for help. If you do that please be careful and do careful screening and ask for references.
I really don't have many people here myself. I have my kids but they are busy with their own families, my daughter is too young to really help, my boyfriend works all the time. I have a neighbor who has gone beyond the call of duty but I don't want to ask too much.
The GPS is a good idea. If you can buy a second hand one it would really help. Mine has saved my life. I used to never want to go anywhere by myself if I had never been there before and now I am more confident about going new places. Maybe if you can get yourself in the general direction someone from the clinic can meet you someplace and direct you to the office.
I go to my local university for my health care and for a long time I avoided going to the doctors because I was intimidated by it's size but now that I have been going regularly I am a little more comfortable.
I know what you mean about being told you shouldn't be in as much pain as you are. I hear that all the time. Maybe I shouldn't be but I am.
Do what ever you need to do to take care of yourself. I wish I was closer so I could help.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
That's why I recommend either going to a pain management clinic, if you haven't already tried at least one, and/or cowgirling up and returning triumphantly to the Cleveland Clinic--which I picture as a vast, dark, Tolkeinesque labyrinth.
The suggestion posted earlier for finding a helper are very good. (Although I don't think I personally would use Craigslist.) When you're in unremitting pain,it's hard to think laterally, or at all. Yes, there are people who would love to help you get to the CC. It will make them feel better--maybe even change their lives. Generosity and volunteering are a win-win!
I feel such affection for you. I, too, am without people who could help me in a similar situation and rely on the kindness of strangers. It feels awkward, but it has worked in the past.
I say get back on the horse ___with a trusty scout___and complete your pilgrimage to Cleveland.
on 5/3/12 5:22 am
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
Now for the appointment I don't know if you belong to a church but they are options. Check to see if one of the people there will drive you and keep you company. But do make an appointment because you CAN and you WILL succeed when you make the appointment.
Chin up and know that you are a wonderful smart lady who is loved greatly by all of your OH followers.
I don't belong to a church. I really cannot think of a single person that I could ask to take me.
I think I am going try try making an appointment somewhere else that is closer to home and easier to get to.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.