I have funding! Finally!!!!!!
Hey gang,
After 7 years of research and 3 different failed attempts to get surgery authorized through 3 different insurers, I have finally managed to secure funding for self-pay with a wonderful surgeon in Belgium with a great track record. After 7 years of fighting, everything seemed to fall in place in the span of a week. Isn't that always how it works? I am in the process of scheduling preop testing and am hoping for a date in May!
It still doesn't feel real. It probably won't until the day of surgery. Either way, I am excited and relieved. I can finally hang up my fighting gloves and put on some lifting gloves. Give me another 4 weeks and I'll be eyeballing a spot on the losers bench. I'm not worried though, all you skinny minnies are forever making more room on there!
After 7 years of research and 3 different failed attempts to get surgery authorized through 3 different insurers, I have finally managed to secure funding for self-pay with a wonderful surgeon in Belgium with a great track record. After 7 years of fighting, everything seemed to fall in place in the span of a week. Isn't that always how it works? I am in the process of scheduling preop testing and am hoping for a date in May!
It still doesn't feel real. It probably won't until the day of surgery. Either way, I am excited and relieved. I can finally hang up my fighting gloves and put on some lifting gloves. Give me another 4 weeks and I'll be eyeballing a spot on the losers bench. I'm not worried though, all you skinny minnies are forever making more room on there!
RNY on 07/02/12
Wow. Congratulations! That is amazing! I wish you the best of luck and don't forget to save room for me on the losers bench!!!!
Thanks for the support guys! I feel like a 6th string replacement who's not quite sure she heard the coach right calling her name. Don't know where the sports metaphor came from - I don't play any team sports. Never have. =D I am feeling a mix of emotions, the worst of which is the impatience! You'd think after 7 years, I could quietly wait out a couple of weeks, but nope. I'm waking up at the crack of dawn and obsessively scanning OH posts for preop/postop advice. I'm listening to eating disorder audio books. I'm over-planning. What I should be doing is relaxing and settling in for the next stage, but who could relax at a time like this? =)