You've changed!
I went to WalMart last night to get the things for my liquid diet which I started this morning. While there, I ran into a friend I have not seen in a while. I used to work with he and his wife and he performed the ceremony at my husbands and mine wedding.
I looked at him and said "Hello Steve", he turned and looked at me and just kept staring at me. I said "Its Marie Smith, you married me and my husband down in Sedona. I live a block away from you." He gets this look on his face and says "Hi Marie, you've changed."
Yes, I have. I have gotten big and fat!!!! Talk about motivation to start my diet before surgery. I pray I never do that to someone!
I looked at him and said "Hello Steve", he turned and looked at me and just kept staring at me. I said "Its Marie Smith, you married me and my husband down in Sedona. I live a block away from you." He gets this look on his face and says "Hi Marie, you've changed."
Yes, I have. I have gotten big and fat!!!! Talk about motivation to start my diet before surgery. I pray I never do that to someone!
It works both ways (up and down). I recently hugged a lady after church. Her husband came over and coughed kinda loud. When he realized it was me, we both belly laughed really loud.
People who do not see you regularly see the changes as more dramatic.
Sorry for his reaction. Take it in stride and know that your decision is is for your health.
People who do not see you regularly see the changes as more dramatic.
Sorry for his reaction. Take it in stride and know that your decision is is for your health.
Sorry about rude people. They never really stop. When you get closer to goal and you will. "you are a rack of bones.. "you are wasting away to nothing" .. "you are not going to lose any more" By then you won't give a rat's butt. Life is so much more FUN healthy. Good luck to you and your surgery and just ignore the stupid :)
Becky in Kentucky
I will be having my surgery on 4/25/12 and I am so excited! I had to comment because my biggest "pet peeve" is when somebody that you have not seen in a while says, " Oh my, you look great...did you lose weight" This has been said to me during my lifetime struggle with yo-yo dieting.
It is actually a very hurtful thing to say to somebody. I used to just blow it off and let my already low self esteem take over once I would get back home. Then I started using this as my answer," Why no I have not lost any weight, do you thik that I should lose weight?" That usually shuts the stupid people up and keeps them at a distance. lol
It is actually a very hurtful thing to say to somebody. I used to just blow it off and let my already low self esteem take over once I would get back home. Then I started using this as my answer," Why no I have not lost any weight, do you thik that I should lose weight?" That usually shuts the stupid people up and keeps them at a distance. lol