poll - what did your surgeon tell you about dumping?
..... This is a weird one for me.
I jumped on OH, then found a surgeon, then read like a maniac. When I saw my surgeon and went to the first seminar, I'd already read up so much here, that I knew these facts (the real ones, not the variety of different things) so I didn't even note too many discrepencies.
Then I had to do the six-month supervised diet
About four months into that my chosen surgeon lost all surgical priveleges at the approved hospital, and I began to have cold feet about him, particularly knowng that if he wasn't at an approved hospital it'd cost a lot more
And .... who wants a surgeon who is in the middle of a WLS wrongful death suit, who's been refused privileges at the major hospital in the area where most WLS are performed (and at the second most common hospital where the same is performed)
I bailed on him, and got a new consult, and had to go to a new seminar for the surgeon who performed my eventual surgery (and his seminar because I couldn't fit in the times they had, was to watch a video of his erstwhile partner -- my first surgeon choice -- give the EXACT same seminar to the video camera.... so I learned the same exact stuff)...
I do believe that nearly everything I was told at the followup meetnigs I had to attend were almost all in line with what I knew to be true from my exhaustive research. The only two blips on my radar while goign with this second surgeon were (A) they had flintstones and tums as "better than nothing, and (B) who the hell proof read their materials, because it had AWFUL grammar, misspelled some of the most basic stuff, and read like it was designed for 6th graders held back a few years.
So yeah, I think I was told 30%...... or if I was told something else, I knew it was 30% and I was GLAD GLAD GLAD because I did NOT want dumping .... no siree... even if it meant I wouldn't be as successful as those with it.... I didn't want physical dumping type limitations on sweets. I wanted that choice to come from my head not my body (and found out 18 hours after surgery that I was a big time dumper drat the odds!)
I jumped on OH, then found a surgeon, then read like a maniac. When I saw my surgeon and went to the first seminar, I'd already read up so much here, that I knew these facts (the real ones, not the variety of different things) so I didn't even note too many discrepencies.
Then I had to do the six-month supervised diet
About four months into that my chosen surgeon lost all surgical priveleges at the approved hospital, and I began to have cold feet about him, particularly knowng that if he wasn't at an approved hospital it'd cost a lot more
And .... who wants a surgeon who is in the middle of a WLS wrongful death suit, who's been refused privileges at the major hospital in the area where most WLS are performed (and at the second most common hospital where the same is performed)
I bailed on him, and got a new consult, and had to go to a new seminar for the surgeon who performed my eventual surgery (and his seminar because I couldn't fit in the times they had, was to watch a video of his erstwhile partner -- my first surgeon choice -- give the EXACT same seminar to the video camera.... so I learned the same exact stuff)...
I do believe that nearly everything I was told at the followup meetnigs I had to attend were almost all in line with what I knew to be true from my exhaustive research. The only two blips on my radar while goign with this second surgeon were (A) they had flintstones and tums as "better than nothing, and (B) who the hell proof read their materials, because it had AWFUL grammar, misspelled some of the most basic stuff, and read like it was designed for 6th graders held back a few years.
So yeah, I think I was told 30%...... or if I was told something else, I knew it was 30% and I was GLAD GLAD GLAD because I did NOT want dumping .... no siree... even if it meant I wouldn't be as successful as those with it.... I didn't want physical dumping type limitations on sweets. I wanted that choice to come from my head not my body (and found out 18 hours after surgery that I was a big time dumper drat the odds!)
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
(deactivated member)
on 3/28/12 11:52 pm
on 3/28/12 11:52 pm
My surgeon and nutritionist both told me that only about 5-10% of patients dump from RNY, and they gave me a handout on the types of foods that would likely cause dumping. Both told me that I would feel like I was dying from the dumping episode in the unlikely chance it would happen to me and gave me a list of symptoms. But they said why eat the foods on this list even if you don't dump, since it would defeat the purpose of having WLS. I agree with them. If I'm not ready to give up sugary or fatty foods, why have the surgery in the first place? I am not going to test it by trying the foods on the list. I don't want to find out I do dump, or worse yet, I DON'T!
My surgeon told me that most RNYers do NOT dump and not to count on that to keep me on the straight and narrow. I have to say I was hoping to be in that small percentage. But having that information up front really helped me to develop good eating and exercise habits early. I have very minor dumping occasionally, mostly rapid heartbeat and that is very uncomfortable!