kinda OT - for women that want the right to make their own healthcare decisions
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Also, let's not forget Arizona in this. The state who allows doctors to *not* inform the mother of any medical issues with a fetus because the doctor doesn't believe in abortions. Even if it will kill the mother. (like baby has no brain)
Or Tennessee who thinks that even if the fetus has died in utero, that the mother should be forced to continue to carry until the natural expulsion from the body. Wouldn't ya love to give birth to a baby that's been dead? Btw, that's even if it kills the mother too.
Also, the lovely, let me stick a wand up your vagina to show you the zygote, bills in what 8 states? Because they claim that doctors have to know the age of a fetus before they abort it. Here's a clue doc, if you can't pick it up in a regular ultrasound, I'm thinking around 4 mos or less.
I follow this daily. Most people have no idea what's going on in legislation right now and it scares the snot outta me.
Nope, he did use the word.
He also said that if she gets birth control without the co-pay, she should have to film herself having sex and show everyone. It's on YouTube, see it with your own eyes.
Limbaugh is a few Big Macs away from a heart attack. I was thinking of sending him a McDonald's gift card, but he'd probably wash down the cheeseburgers with a Lipitor... the pig.
RNY 1/16/12
Rush Limbaugh - demonstrating his utter ignorance of the topic, and equating BC as if it was something one needed to take every time a person has sex (hello viagra, probably the only thing holding him "up").... and therefore Sandra Fluke, he implied, and her roommate, and all these other women, want their employers and colleges to "pay them to have sex" ..... "which makes them, what? A ****! A prostitute." ..... he went on to say that these women, if they wanted to be paid to have sex, then they had to post their sex videos, so they would have money to pay for their birth control.
It was sexist. It was slander. It was beyond sexist, it was misogynist. It was horrendous. To call a woman a **** and a prostitute just because she wanted to testify in congress about the medicinal uses of birth control pills, and how it is a MEDICAL decision, and religion - and politicians -- needs to stay the hell out of the mix and leave it to patients and doctors.... to be called such horrendous names for wanting to testify was just way beyond the pale. Any man or woman who defends his statements as being appropriate (even if they decry his specific words) is someone who is allowing their politics, their religion, or their loins to rule their head. Frankly the government should NOT be involved in these decisions. They NEED to be between a doctor and a patient and that should be the end of the topic. I'm no feminist, I love being a woman, and I love being different from a man. But I'm ready to enroll if this war on women becomes as critical as it seems to be.
One of the pollitical hopefuls has declared that he beleives that contraception is one of the roots of all the societal ills in our country. This man wants to be President of this country. And he believes that Birth Control should not be allowed. He believes that pre-natal testing should be disallowed. He believes that women shouldn't work. Frankly, he believes that any sex outside of procreative purposes shouldn't be allowed. His hatred of women, and his belief that they should not be allowed birth control or prenatal testing etc.... is simply absurd. I've never been that political, but just the thought that he might be the nominee... yuck. He's utterly whack. In his political speeches, he is always talking about how he wants to stop the government from taking away people's rights.... but in his speeches he also talks about some of our most fundamental rights as women as being ones we shouldn't have. I can'****ch more than a few minutes of hsi speeches because when he speaks about protecting our freedoms, he is really speaking about protecting HIS freedom to have HIS beliefs be the LAW of the LAND. he has even decried one of the speeches made by JFK wherein Kennedy was speaking about his faith, and reassuring Americans that he felt it was entirely possible for a person to hold a public office and yet be able to faithfully keep the separation of the church and state. This candidate openly admits that he wants to throw up when he read those words... that the separation of church and state should NOT be absolute.
Oh jeepers..... my one soapbox issue.
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
I saw a lovely op-ed written by a medical professional who elucidated.... ANY person who INSERTS ANYTHING into a woman's ORIFICE without CONSENT is committing rape. So before it was amended due to public outcry, these senators were electing to go on the record as being absolutely OKAY with STATE-MANDATED RAPE of every woman who has made the extremely difficult decision to have an abortion.
Other states HAVE this law on their books. State mandated RAPE
It makes me want to vomit.
Other states require doctors to read a politician-written, factually inaccurate script to patients prior to allowing them have an abortion..... with LIES in it.
Face it, politicians have no PLACE in mandating unneccesary medical procedures on women to make politiccal hay.
(this one has me riled up excessively)
When I wrote my state-level senator about my concerns, she gave me a veiled threat that she was going to contact my school and tell them that I had extreme political views, and I might ought to be fired. For having a political opinion. Witch!
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
Either she didn't email my principal (who might have had a talk with me) or my superintendant (who would have known that it was all BS)
I keep waiting to get a call in to the principal's office, to find out if I'm in "trouble" for having a political opinion.
I can just imagine the email ....
"your teacher is writing emails about politically horrendous viewpoints, DURING CLASS HOURS" ....
(be fun to be called in on that one... since I wrote the email on spring break, from my home computer)
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
They are also trying to pass another bill that means that employers can discriminate against their female employees. If they want contraception, and the employer has entered that they have a religious or moral objection to paying for contraception, the woman has to prove she is NOT using it to prevent a baby, and she pays a fee to be discriminated against, and if she can come up with a good non-pregnancy-related medical reason, then it will be provided. If, on the other hand, she IS using it to prevent pregnancy, the employer can not only NOT pay for it, they can also fire the employee if she discloses this to them.
Oh, and no discrimination against men getting viagra, because that would be unthinkable. Taking viagra to shtoop your 60 year old wife (which, of course, could not possibly result in pregnancy).... well no double standard here
~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost!
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!