Surgery tomorrow. MAJOR cold feet.
RNY on 03/26/12
Hello Everyone!
I check in tomorrow at 8:30 am. I am trying my best to be optimistic and excited but I have nearly done myself in and talked myself out of showing up. I will be completely honest and tell you all why...
Ok, I am a former smoker. My doctor told me I had to quit for six months before surgery. I did. Up until 2 weeks ago. I had all my pre-op testing completed and all was good. (My original surgery date was 3/12, I did not do the pre-op diet long enough.)
The nerves and anxiety started and got the best of me. Long story short, I had about 3 pks over two weeks. The last one was Friday, I actually destroyed the rest of the pack that day.
I know the effects of smoking... I am just so worried about any adverse effects on surgery and recovery that I have just about talked myself out of getting up in the morning.
On one hand, I feel okay about it and on the other, I feel like it is going to kill me, literally!
Please any advice or words of encouragement are appreciated. Please don't bash me, I feel HORRIBLE I let myself slip AND I am already scared out of my mind. Thanks for listening.
I check in tomorrow at 8:30 am. I am trying my best to be optimistic and excited but I have nearly done myself in and talked myself out of showing up. I will be completely honest and tell you all why...
Ok, I am a former smoker. My doctor told me I had to quit for six months before surgery. I did. Up until 2 weeks ago. I had all my pre-op testing completed and all was good. (My original surgery date was 3/12, I did not do the pre-op diet long enough.)
The nerves and anxiety started and got the best of me. Long story short, I had about 3 pks over two weeks. The last one was Friday, I actually destroyed the rest of the pack that day.
I know the effects of smoking... I am just so worried about any adverse effects on surgery and recovery that I have just about talked myself out of getting up in the morning.
On one hand, I feel okay about it and on the other, I feel like it is going to kill me, literally!
Please any advice or words of encouragement are appreciated. Please don't bash me, I feel HORRIBLE I let myself slip AND I am already scared out of my mind. Thanks for listening.
VSG on 06/11/13
For your safety I would be honest with your doctors and tell them what you have done. It's better to be safe then sorry. If they say it's a go then do not worry. Pray before and look forward to the future.
It's normal. Surgery is no joke. Your feelings are normal. It's a big step ,but it's all for the better. Good Luck friend.
Praying for you.
It's normal. Surgery is no joke. Your feelings are normal. It's a big step ,but it's all for the better. Good Luck friend.

Praying for you.
RNY on 03/26/12
Hello Antonia,
Thank you for your kind words and prayers. You are right, I would rather be safe than sorry, I will talk to them in the morning...
Will update.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers. You are right, I would rather be safe than sorry, I will talk to them in the morning...
Will update.
The reason docs want patients to quit smoking before surgery is because the nicotine delays tissue healing. I think it affects blood circulation or something, but I may be mistaken on that. But I did read somewhere that statistically, smokers were more like to develop leaks after surgery and I think some other types of complications as well.
I have no idea if the amount you've smoked recently would have a big effect or not. I don't know if it would increase your risks by much or not. I think if i was in your shoes, I would ask my surgeon. And no, I wouldn't want to because I would worry I would get a lecture on not smoking... but I think I would ask anyway because if I was increasing my risk of serious complications by very much, I would want to postpone my surgery because there are enough risks involved that are unavoidable. I would want to avoid those risks I could.
I have no idea if the amount you've smoked recently would have a big effect or not. I don't know if it would increase your risks by much or not. I think if i was in your shoes, I would ask my surgeon. And no, I wouldn't want to because I would worry I would get a lecture on not smoking... but I think I would ask anyway because if I was increasing my risk of serious complications by very much, I would want to postpone my surgery because there are enough risks involved that are unavoidable. I would want to avoid those risks I could.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
RNY on 03/26/12
Good luck.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
I would go in and be honest. I don't know the reason they want us to quit for this surgery, if it's more than just healing time etc. I have had several surgeries (breast reduction, tummy tuck. tubal ligation, cyst removal, and a hysterectomy) and never had to quit for any of those and had no problems so I think there must be more to it than just that reason. For that reason I would speak up in the morning and trust what he says.
RNY on 03/26/12
I will have to say something because I have nearly talked myself out of going. I do want to have this done and I hate my lapse in judgement. I will let you all know how it goes. Thanks for writing.
I will have to say something because I have nearly talked myself out of going. I do want to have this done and I hate my lapse in judgement. I will let you all know how it goes. Thanks for writing.
RNY on 03/26/12
Thank you so much, Heidi. I appreciate it so much. I will defiinitely keep you all posted.