Kelly My Turn

on 3/10/12 2:06 am - MN
Kelly and anyone else with an opinion, could you please take a look at my labs.  I'll try to list the most essential ones for your review and opinion.  Thanks.

Vitamin D-77.0

on 3/10/12 4:15 am - OH

Your protein is excellent.

Your B12 is actually higher than it needs to be.  It's not a problem that it's higher than it needs to be, but you could cut back on your B12 a bit if you want.  Less pills to take or whatever.

Your ferritin is great.

Your D is almost perfect.  We really want it to be at least 80 but I doubt three points makes a big difference.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/10/12 4:23 am - MN
Thanks so much Kelly for your input.  You're always so helpful. I just had my six month labs done and due to go in to meet with the surgeon and nutritionist on the 21st.  I will cut back some on the B12 and beef up the D.  I've been taking the 5000 a day from Vitalady but will up that to 10000 a day to see how that works out for the next time labs are done at a year out.  I would also like to ask if you think I should be taking a B complex, C, and E, and if so how much?  I currently also take biotin and zinc every day. I don't know how much it has helped with hair loss but to date, I have not lost any hair and my hairdresser is on the look out for hair loss but so far so good.  It may help that I keep my hair in braids and don't put any chemicals at all in my hair.  It also may help that my protein before and after surgery is decent.  Would you recommend that.  I talk about this site all the time with others.  Thanks again.
on 3/10/12 4:28 am - OH
You could probably alternate 5000 IU one day, 10,000 IU the next with the D3.

The ASMBS says a B complex is optional.  I guess I'd probably take one if some of my B vitamins were low, like thiamine and folate.  If they were OK (mine are currently) I would skip it.

I take C with my iron because it aids in the absorption of iron.  I wouldn't take E, though, unless your labs show you're low on that.

If you're six months out and have not lost any hair yet, you're probably not going to.  The hair loss is partly a reaction to general anesthesia and usually starts about three months post op.  Then, if we were having trouble getting enough protein and taking our vitamins in the beginning, that makes the hair loss worse.  But if you've made it this far and still have all your hair, you can consider yourself lucky.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/10/12 6:25 am - MN
Thanks Kelly for your suggestions.  I will run this by my nutritionist when I meet with her later this month when we go over my plan for changes.
on 3/10/12 9:20 am - IL
RNY on 05/16/12
 Kelly, not sure which kind of medical professional you are, your posts are very imformative for lay people! However, did you not notice the hemoglobin of 5.6!?
on 3/10/12 9:29 am - OH
Actually, I'm not any kind of medical professional, which I think I've made clear in my signature.  That's why I address the issues I'm familiar with and don't attempt to address issues I don't know I don't know much about.  I've done extensive research on vitamin D and B12, for example.  I have done almost no research on hemoglobin.

If you have some information to share regarding hemoglobin, please jump in with it.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/10/12 11:33 am - IL
RNY on 05/16/12
 OK, I just did't want to step on any toes, a hemoglobin of 5.6 if very serious medical emergency. I am hoping that it is just a typo!
on 3/10/12 3:43 pm, edited 3/11/12 5:02 am - Suffern, NY
there arent' many there but they are perfect, your B12 is perfect

- a high B12 is what we want and there is nothing wrong with a b12 level of 1900 - it is dangerous to have a low B12 level but a high B12 level, we just pee out what we dont need and the high level will just give you energy and unless it something like 5000 or more, you dont have to worry and I have never seen a level that high. I would give anything for a level at around 2000 - for years I was greater than 2000 but then I had my surgery and cant get it back there anymore

your D is perfect as well - our ideal is 80-100, so 77 is perfect - if you double your dose, your level will skyrocket making your level toxic making it very dangerous including risk of kidney stones. If you really want to increase it, try taking 10,000 once or twice per week and 5,000 the rest of the week and see how that goes - get retested in 6 weeks but please dont double your dose - I suffered from major kidney stones from high vitamin D levels - it was greater than 150, they couldnt' measure it - prior to that I was stable at 90-100 for 1 1/2 years at the same dose

I have to look further but the hemoglobin looks a little high = what was your iron? your ferritin was great, your B12 was low - not sure what else would cause this. have to look further

No on the b complex - E no unless there is a deficiency - Yes to C but with your iron - 200mg of C per 30mg of carbonyl iron - you can get the best at tender irons they are 60mg capsules and have the C already in them


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