So I bought some omeprazole

on 3/3/12 4:43 am - OH
yesterday to see if that helps my stomach issues.  May I just say, that stuff is expensive!  Even the generic.

There were three different brands from which to choose and two of the boxes said on the front that it was a delayed release drug.  The third box didn't say, so I chose that.  When I got home and read all the directions and stuff carefully, though, I think it is a delayed release drug even if it doesn't say so.  It warned you against cutting open the capsule and stuff like that.

I'm hoping it works.  They did not have one that was not a delayed release, those were the only three options.  The directions say to take for 14 days and not to take for any longer than that and to see a doctor if your problems continue after 14 days, which was pretty  much my plan anyway.

I took the first one this morning.  The directions said to take in the morning one hour before eating, so I had a cup of tea and took the omeprazole and a little over an hour later ate a protein bar.  And I will say, my stomach feels fine right now.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/3/12 4:50 am
Hi :) I dont know what kind of insurance you have but my Dr. wrote me a script for it and it was only a $10 copay. it has really helped me with my stomach issues. I also found some at walmart for pretty cheap too.
on 3/3/12 4:53 am - OH
Well, if I had a script for it it would only cost me $2.60 for the drug... but about $15 copy to see the doc to get the script.  I ended up paying about $10 for 14 pills, so that's still cheaper than if I went to see the doc for a script.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/3/12 8:28 pm
Hi Kelly,  We have chatted before I got Alboz from the Dr, when I left mexico it works great, you can go to ebay and buy it and it is much cheaper. just type in Alboz in the seach box and it will take you to the page, I take it every day. The Dr. recomened to take it twice a day, & I did for the first 6-8  months, now I take one in the morning, or if my pouch gets gumpy in the evening I hope this is helfull to you, make sure you scroll the page as the price offers differ from seller to seller. Good luck and thank you for all you post as you have always been helpfull to me with all you knowledge your a. to alot of us here.
(deactivated member)
on 3/3/12 5:00 am - San Antonio, TX
 I think all Omeprazole is timed release. I've been taking it since before my surgery. I can really tell a difference if I don't take it for a couple of days so even though it's timed release it still works. Do you know anyone with a Costco card? You can get 42 pills for $17.99. That's the cheapest I've found. 
on 3/3/12 5:22 am
 I take Aciphex and on my EOB it says it costs over $1200.00 for 3 mths...gee, I thought my $80.00 co pay was You'd think it'd heal anything at that price!!! ( it's about the only thing that worked for me before WLS...I sure tried enough brands) 


on 3/3/12 6:06 am - West Chester, PA
 i got it at target for pretty cheap. i wanna say it was like $15 for two, two week courses. it may have been on sale though. i never do the full 2 week course, take it on more of an as needed basis. usually i can take it for 2-3 days and whatever the issue was clears up

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on 3/3/12 6:16 am
 My surgeon said to break open the the capsule and swallow the contents without crushing any of the little beads inside and that should work. I've taken it that way since surgery and I think it helps.
on 3/3/12 6:20 am - OH
Hmm.  I'm hesitant to do that without input from a doctor, since the box says not to open the capsule and since I know we should be careful about doing that with time released meds because it's possible to end up getting too large a dose at once that way.  I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but it's just not something I would do for myself without a doctor saying it was OK and explaining to me why it was OK.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/3/12 7:19 am - Collierville, TN
You might want to call your PCP and see if they would just call you in a month supply.  As medications go, it isnt one  most of us mind calling in if the patient is specific about what they want.  As opposed to " I have had some stomach problems can you call something in?"which is not what you would do, but we get those kind of phone calls to.  I would think telling the nurse in the office what has been going on and how the omeprazole helped they may just call it in particularly if you have addressed this in the office before.  The other thing is if you do have to go in and pay the 15 bucks you can ask for a 90 days supply with a refill.  That way you get more bang for your buck.  Good luck and am glad it is working.  I take it every once in a while and I really helps.  


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