I need documentation help!!
Good morning y'all!!! I saw my surgeon yesterday. He wants to submit for approval. When I first started my journey I only needed 6 months medical weight loss. Then my plan admin changed. Now it is 3 years!! My surgeon is going to submit anyway. But he said "bring all your ammo". I did not have insurance for 3 years. But I did do diets...lots of em. I am asking for all your help. Please. How can I document it?? Does anyone have an example??? Also...any letter samples would be helpful as well. The insurance company never quotes the criteria correctly. So legally...I can get them on a mis-quote. But I want to have all my ducks in a row. Thank you all in advance. This website is amazing. I have never gotten so much support before. And I haven't even had my surgery yet!! Be blessed y'all!!
I would write down each diet and exercise regime you undertook in the last three years, with approximate start and stop dates and any success or failure you had on each. Be specific. And ignore the requirement for medical documentation if you don't have it. They might ask for it later, but there's a chance they won't, especially if you can throw a whole bunch of "effort" at them.
If you did Weigh****chers they will give you a certification letter showing your dates of enrollment and termination and if you do have a gym membership or had one contact the gym and get a copy of your contract and a list of your punch in's. Also I would clarify that they mean 3 years of documented weight loss attempts versus 3 years of history of being overweight. If it does turn out to be just the overweight criteria instead of the attempts at weight loss then get with your PCP, your gynenocologist or anyone that has documentation of your weight for the last 3 years. Hope that helps~!