Bad doc visit

on 2/6/12 12:29 pm - MD
So, I had my 3 month post op today and I left soo frustrated.  First, let me say that I have been excited to start a couch to 5K program.  I have done a few days on my own and was planning on joining a program at the end of the month.  I get more of a feeling of accomplishment from running than any other form of exercise.  With being said, my surgeon told me today that he does not want me running because I am still too heavy and I could hurt myself and then not be able to exercise at all.  He wants my BMI to be around 30/32 before i start running.  Huh???  That would make me somewhat close to my goal before I could run.  I get his point but it just really took the wind out of my sails.

Oh and on top of that I was left in the exam room waiting for the nutritionist to bring me to her office - yet she promptly left the building after the patient before me.  I couldn't believe it.  I sat waiting for her, watched the doctor leave, the nurse practitioner and then apparently the nutritionist.  She isn't my normal NUT so I didn't recognize her as she walked by with her coat on but something told me to check her office and it was dark.  I was stunned!  And to add to that, they didn't have a copy of my labs so I wasn't able to go over those either.

Needless to say, I wrote an email to the program director when I got home.
on 2/6/12 1:23 pm - Eugene, OR
That's horribly frustrating! Good for you for writing the program director!

I'm surprised about the running too - although I know running while overweight can be bad on the knees - but you've lost an amazing amount of weight. There are some articles out there about conditioning your joints to start running - mainly starting with walking the same route you'll be running just to get your joints and your feet used to the type of ground - cement, treadmill, whatever - and then slowly adding just wee bits of jogging at a time. That will help prep the knees and ankles. I saved it somewhere - I keep thinking I'll dig it out when I start. I reallly want to do a C25K program, but I'm still chicken

Anyway - what a tough day!
HW:  255  SW:  225.7  CW:  156.3

on 2/6/12 6:17 pm
 I remember a long time ago before I was morbidly obese, I read exercise articles and magazines that recommended that folks not run if they are over 180 pounds and that 180 being fat and not muscle.  Running is very very hard on the knees especially if you are overweight. the thing with knee cartiledge is that you don't know that you have a major problem, until you get symptoms. By the time you get symptoms its almost too late. Too late meaning weeks and weeks of physical therapy, cortisone shots, NSAIDs (and you won't be able to take them for relief).
Yes, we all see overweight folks run, and some may never have problems, but what if you are one of the ones who has problems?  I'd listen to your doctor if I were you. 

There are plenty of exercises that you can do besides running. And besides, you are only postponing running. According to my orthopedist I will "never run again". 
Lori P.
on 2/6/12 9:40 pm - Kenosha, WI
What a terrible office expereince.

As far as the running....I don't see why you can't still start.  If you start by walking (like the program suggests) and they slowly move on to fast walking and eventually an easy jog....I can't see the issue.  Unless you have heart issues or bad joints or some other problem that would prevent you from doing high aroebic and high impact exercise, I think the doctor is just covering his butt.   


     SW 212 / Goal 130 / Current 130



Jamie B.
on 2/6/12 9:48 pm - MI
Well...I was in pretty good health prior to co-morbid conditions and I weighed 260 lbs. I COULDN'T run very far. Post surgery, still over 240...when I was cleared to up the exercise, I could still only do a VERY slow jog and keep it up. If I tried to increase my pace to anything CLOSE to a run...I would be out of breath. So while I THOUGHT I was in pretty good body still tells me otherwise. At 197...I still just do a slow jog....and keep that pace. If I try to up the pace, my shins are sore the next day and I can't even walk well.

So, until I lose more of the weight, I'm sticking with a VERY slow jog...just enough to keep my heart rate up.

Like stated above...maybe you could walk the route at a very brisk pace...then slowly work your way up? I always try to listen to my lets me know if I'm doing too much!! 

As for your experience at your docs, I'm with the other posters!! Good for you for immediately sending that email!! Shame on them. You could have had a 40k surgery anywhere, but you picked them. They need to treat their post ops better than that.
on 2/6/12 10:00 pm
How about biking? It is great exercise and gives your knees a rest. I do it for 15 to 30 minutes at the gym and if you can ride a regular bike it is even better.

Good for you for standing up for yourself. That nutritionist may not be a regular and wasn't informed but that is no excuse.
on 2/6/12 10:52 pm - Newton, IL
I'll say it, that's crap!!!    I've been running for months and I probably weighed 230 when I started C25K, I can now run 3 miles and I weigh 200lbs, will be doing my first 5K at the end of February.    And we're not talking running running, more like a slowish jog.    No joint pain at all.   Obviously you need to start slowly and build up your stamina and leg muscles, plus definitely stop if you are in pain.  (And invest in good running shoes!!!!!)     You obviously have to decide what to do for yourself, but I'd go more with how your body feels than some random BMI.  
on 2/6/12 11:08 pm - MD
I do want to add that most people walk faster than I run (which is fine with me) so my goal in this is to run when I am supposed to run and walk when I am supposed to.  Which means a really slow jog for me.  I am not trying to break a time record! haha
on 2/6/12 11:49 pm

Let me start by saying, I am NOT a doctor.  With that said, I am less then two months out of surgery and I run on my treadmill just about everyday.  BUT I have a great treadmill that absorbs the shock to my knees.  I do NOT have the greatest knees, they creak and crack every time I sit down.  But its smooth sailing on my treadmill.  Its actually an incline treadmill.  Its the Nordictrack X5i incline trainer.

As far as shin splits as someone in a reply mentioned, before surgery I started to run and would get the WORST shin splints.  I then went to a store that specialized in running (I'm not talking about Athletes foot or somewhere like that) this is a store where people are trained to help you and they are avid runners themselves.  At this store I was fitted for shoes and I was even allowed to go outside and try them out.  Ever since I got those shoes I have NEVER had a shin split or any other type of pain while running.

My surgeon was very clear when he said I could do anything that I did before surgery at my two week appointment as long as I didn't hurt myself.  Make sure when you start a running program you have the correct shoes, and knowledge of stretching and running technique.  A few years ago when I dropped over a 100lbs I had a personal trainer and a running coach who taught me the proper technique so I would not injure myself.

 Good Luck in your journey!


Age: 35 Height: 5'6 HW: 296.8 LW: 191 SW: 289.9 GW: 150
   1 month: 25 lbs; 2 month: 19.5 lb; 3 month: 14.6

on 2/7/12 12:03 am - New Carrollton, MD
RNY on 08/22/11 with
I see you are in MD...a good running store is fleet feet (they have them all over the place).  All the staff are avid runners and they know how to properly fit you so that your shoes help absorb the shock and that you don't injure your knees.  Good Luck!
HW & SW: 363     Surgery date: 8/22/11    
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