RH question
I think 36 is the lowest mine has ever been - usually it's in the 50-upper 60 range when it drops. There was one time that I had a seizure that I suspect was due to low sugar but I was at my sister's and did not have my monitor so I'm not positive that was the cause. That only ever happened once.
I really did feel awful. Not only was I shaking so much it was hard to check my sugar, my vision was blurry and... I don't even know how to describe the feeling.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
In April I was at a salon while my sister was having her hair cut. I had not eaten for hours except for a handful of Hot Tamales candy. While sitting there waiting, I had the most severe episode ever...I would have to guess my sugar was at its lowest ever and in the low 30s or lower. I became so ill so quickly once it hit I could only lay my head in my lap. The difference that time was I started sweating in a way that was so severe my hair was becoming wet all over...it was weird - even my clothes began sticking to me. I thought I might be dumping for the first time, but I was not sick to my stomach.
The stylist who was cutting my sister's hair noticed me from across the room and asked my sister what was wrong with me. She thought I was reading or resting. When I was finally able to pick up my head, the receptionist took one look at me and asked if I was diabetic and what did I need. I could not even move and told her I needed some protein, PB cracker or something to raise my BS. Another stylist grabbed her wallet and went next door and bought a bottle of orange juice. That type reaction has happened only once. But a seizure....now that scares me.
I needed this thread, I really did. I needed to be reminded again what I can and cannot do. I take too much for granted. Because you have had a seizure I cannot imagine how concerned you must have been last night. I hope you were not alone.