this board compared to others
The last time I went over to the main board, a bunch of people were *****ing because one or more of the most vitriolic people had apparently been banned... and they apparently felt that the info they provided was so valuable that it was worth people having to put up with their meanness.
We all have our cranky or sarcastic moments, or have had times when an innocent remark was interpreted with the wrong tone and someone was offended or hurt... but there is no one here on the RNY forum who is intentionally mean, and no one has ever resorted to the ugly, hurtful name calling that goes on over there. There is no reason for that, and it is the main reason I avoid going over there.
We all have our cranky or sarcastic moments, or have had times when an innocent remark was interpreted with the wrong tone and someone was offended or hurt... but there is no one here on the RNY forum who is intentionally mean, and no one has ever resorted to the ugly, hurtful name calling that goes on over there. There is no reason for that, and it is the main reason I avoid going over there.