A new me in 2012

on 12/29/11 8:42 am
It's hard to believe I started my journey 1 year ago.  I went to my first pre-surgical counseling session in January 2011 and I thought waiting 6 months was going to kill me (literally).  In those first 6 months I learned so much about myself.  I learned: when I make up my mind to do something I can do it, (lost 40lbs prior to surgery) food doesn't control me-it is fuel for my body, exercise is a great stress reducer, losing only 20 pounds took me out of diabetes and that if I don't take care of me nobody will.  Since my surgery in August I have learned that your friends will be your greatest supporters and encourager if you let them (introducing me to P90X), when my husband takes me out I am a cheap date, buying clothes is exciting, touching my toes with straight legs doesn't hurt anymore (lol), and the greatest thing-I love the new me!  Everyone in my life has noticed not only that i am thinner, but that I have a zest for life and an energy like I have never had before.  So as I say goodbye to 2011 and say hello 2012 I am excited to see the rest of my transformation and look forward to creating an active lifestyle and inspiring others to love themselves enough to put their health first.

FYI at my physical in October my doctor was blown away, blood pressure was normal, blood sugar was 81, no swelling around my heart, and the inflamation around many of my joints was gone.  Isn't it amazing how a silly addiction to food can cause so many issues for a woman in her mid 40's.  Happy New Year friends!  I look forward to watching your journies in 2012 :D
on 12/29/11 8:47 am
I love your enthusiasm.
(deactivated member)
on 12/29/11 8:50 am - Daytona Beach, FL
Now, its my turn on 2012 will have surgery maybe April after I see consult surgeon March 19th.  I can't wait to see how I look like and new chapter.  Congrats on your weight loss!
on 12/29/11 8:54 am - TX
What a great post and what a wonderful journey. Congratulations.

HW: 328   GW: 164  CW: 159  Height - 5' 8"  
GOAL REACHED 12/15/2012!!!!!!!!!

RNY Surgery Date:  6/21/11  
LBL/BL  - 11/6/2012 Arm Lift with Abdominal Lipo - 12/11/2012 - Dr. Paul PIn
Love me without restriction, trust me without fear, want me without demand and accept me for who I am.         - unknown - 



on 12/29/11 9:40 am
You're an inspiration! Congratulations on your journey this year, and I wish you the best for 2012!
on 12/29/11 10:08 am - TX
This is a very inspiring post. Thanks for posting!

I just had my surgery on December 15th. I started my journey back in March when my daughter and I attended my first weight loss surgery seminar. I've learned so much about myself and my relationship with food also. More so just since my surgery. Food is fuel for my body, as you put it so correct, and it is not something to comfort me in my times of stress or sadness! A lot has happened in my life this year. My divorce was final on 11/29/2011 and surgery quickly afterwards. Then, my birthday on the 19th, Christmas on the 25th, and all of the family stuff. I've moved away from my church and my friends to start my new life and now I'm hunting for a place back where I moved from. My emotions get the best of me sometimes, but now I'm calling my Pastor and praying more often. Food does not rule me anymore!

I'm also looking forward to enjoying the new me in 2012!
Learning to Live!

on 12/29/11 12:57 pm
Hi Susan!  Just wanted to say congratulations on your new journey!  It sounds like you've had a ton on your plate and I just wanted to tell you that it will get better!  I haven't had surgery yet myself, mine is scheduled in February, but I've been through a lot of the other stuff, very painful divorce included and can certainly empathize with you!  Also had a very painful year which I won't go into, but like you I am so thankful we have next year to look forward to!  My love, well wishes and prayers are with you!  Sometimes we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter what it takes.  Keep turning to God.  I just read and shared a post on Facebook that says "I can't brag about my love for God because I fail him daily, but I can brag about his love for me because it never fails."  I am so proud of you for taking this journey and taking care of yourself now!  Remember HE is there too and He loves you enough to see you through all of it and beyond.

on 12/29/11 8:51 pm
Susan my heart goes out to you.  You have had a very challenging year, but God doesn't give us more than we can handle.  You sound like a strong woman and I am sure you have learned so much about yourself that you didn't know through all of it.  If I have learned one thing this year it is to take one day at a time, enjoy every moment, tell the people you love that you love them every day, don't put off things for another day-as we just don't know what life will bring us, and above all love yourself for who you are.  2012 begins a new year for the new you.  May God bless you, your family and your journey.  Looking forward to seeing the new Susan in 2012!
on 12/29/11 11:47 pm - TX
Thank you Ann abd Christian,
Yes, I've gone through a lot this year. My trials and tribulations have only worked to make me stronger. The Lord works in mysterious ways and I'm happy I've chosen Him to guide me.

I wonder why my ticker in my signature is not updating....  I've updated my stats in the Health Tracker.

Take care to both of you!
Learning to Live!

on 12/29/11 10:24 am

Great inspiration thank you for posting. Wish you a wonderful new year!

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