Questioning ourselves
I sure did. Right up to the point where I was taken into the OR Friday. I was lucky and so far no complications, I've been told that I'm doing better than most post ops tehy see here at this point. I'm lucky, I have some pain, but nothing unbearable, I must walk all day. Only you can decide if this is right for you and if the benefits of the surgery outweigh the risks. For me they did, and although I'm barely 2 days out, I have no regrets at this point. Goodluck :)
I was very stressed and worried the whole time pre-op. I got even more worried when they said my insurance approved the procedure. I kept feeling as if I was going through the motions of someone who was preparing for surgery but it wouldn't actually happen. Felt that way even as they were rolling me into the operating room. Once they put the mask on me I realized it truly was happening.
Waking up and hearing my surgery was a complete success and I was doing great was a HUGE relief!
Waking up and hearing my surgery was a complete success and I was doing great was a HUGE relief!
Hey you will do great. Sometimes I feel the same way and I wonder if I am doing the right thing, but what keeps me knowing I am doing the right thing is -----understanding that I can't keep living my life the way it is now, this is not a good way of life, so I say my prayers and I trust that everything will work out just fine! Your kids, and wife will enjoy the new you so much more! You will see it will be ok!