surgery is in two days....what to expect
My surgical gas pain was nil. I had no pain from it. I started to burp the gas on the first and second day. I started passing the gas on the third day.
I had my gall bladder removed as well. The surgery was 2 1/2 hours for the GBP, and 40 minutes for the gall bladder removal. I was in ICU recovery about the same time. My doctor kept me on an IV because I was dehydrated. He had 1 ML of Roxycete (SP) in the IV, and I also had a pain pump that I could use ot deliver more meds. By the afternoon of the second day, I wasn't using the pump at all.
I was released for home on the third day, and I am doing well. I walk around my house as often as I can (I live in Alaska, so I am not ready to walk out in the ice and snow...). Walking helps move the gas around in your tummy so that it can be released. I also sipped liguids as often as I could, to help my hydration. I only eat 4oz servings of puree at my mealtimes.
Well, if you have any more questions, please ask. Good luck to you!
So, I had quite a bit of discomfort after RNY. As previously mentioned, much of it was from gas. However lots of incision pain, and even some internal pain. In the recovery room the darn nurse wouldnt give me pain meds, claiming that i kept falling asleep so she didnt feel it was necessary. I don't k now if I was falling asleep, or passing the hell out from the freggin pain. I was frustrated, but too drugged up to make a commotion. Plus she was blurry so I could only make out that she was a brunette in her 50's. I'm assuming it was close to shift change and she didnt want to take the time to help me. Then this blonde lady in her 60's came in and administered pain meds. Thank the Lord. Normally, I woulda raised heck because i've had previous surgeries and nurses pulled that crap, but i was alert enough to yell. This time, i was drugged and in a heck of a lot of pain. I complained to my bariatric nurse once I "came to".
Once I got to my room (which I don't remember), I had a PCA, and I was kept very comfortable. Started walking the same evening of the surgery, and then kept walking ever 3 hours ON MY OWN. I slid between the bottom edge of the bedrail, disconnected my IV and PCA from the wall, and was moving. I aint got no time for no blood clots, or pneumonia. I live alone, and much of my recovery was ALL BY MYSELF.
I got home within two days, drove to get my dog out of the kennel on the same day of my release. The very next day I took the rental car back to Hertz, and picked up my own car from the auto-body shop. And then took a sigh of relief and rested until this date. Praise the Lord for presence of mind and "strength"! oh yeah and Loritab! LOL.
So, you will do fine.
I walked a lot in the hospital which I think helped (what else is there to do there?). I never remember the gas pain being an issue. Maybe it is due to the walking which is suppose to help.
Lap surgery is so much easier as far as pain and recovery. I had 3 abdominal surgeries as an adult prior to my RNY which were all open. The recovery from the Lap RNY was so much easier.
Good luck to you.