Vitamin D Quiz
on 11/18/11 12:58 am
2. If our vitamin D level is really low, should we take the prescription vitamin D? Explain why or why not. No. The prescriptions are D2, which is no good for us!
3. Which vitamin D test do we need when we get our labs done, Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy or Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy? Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy - Just got my labs back and I hope he did the right one!!
4. What should our vitamin D level be? Hopefully around 75.2, which is where mine was! I drink an Isopore protein shake (1 scoop) every morning and add a capsule of Vitamin D from Bariatric Advantage.
5. What happens if our vitamin D level gets too low? Looking forward to seeing this answer. I'm sure there's a whole slew of things that can go wrong!
6. What is dry vitamin D and why is it important that we get it dry? Not sure!
1. What type of vitamin D do we need, D2 or D3? Why?
D3. D2 must be converted into D3 and the part of the small intestine that occurs in has been bypassed, therefore, teh D2 doesn't even go there.
2.I f our vitamin D level is really low, should we take the prescription vitamin D? Explain why or why not.
No, because prescription D is oil based and we do not absorb that very well.
3. Which vitamin D test do we need when we get our labs done, Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy or Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy?
Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy
4. What should our vitamin D level be?
80-100 is optimal.
5. What happens if our vitamin D level gets too low?
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia ~ loss of calcium, resulting in soft, flexible, brittle bones, and deformed bones; progressive weakness; pain in pelvis, lower back, and legs. Osteomalacia can lead to osteoporosis.
6. What is dry vitamin D and why is it important that we get it dry?
Dry means it comes in a tablet or powder form, rather than an oil-based softgel. We malabsorb fat, therefore we will malabsorb the oil-based vitamin D softgels.
Sharyn, RN
RIP, MOM ~ 5/31/1944 - 5/11/2010
RIP, DADDY ~ 9/2/1934 - 1/25/2012
D3 because we cannot absorb D2. Our body has to convert D2 to D3 and it can't do that in RNY'ers because the part of the intestine in which this occurs has been bypassed.
2. f our vitamin D level is really low, should we take the prescription vitamin D? Explain why or why not.
No, we should take Dry D3. Prescription Vit D is D2 which we can't absorb plus ithe prescription is in a gelcap which is oil based and we malabsorb fats/oils.
3. Which vitamin D test do we need when we get our labs done, Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy or Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy?
Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy
4. What should our vitamin D level be?
Between 80-100
5. What happens if our vitamin D level gets too low?
We lose calcium from our bones, puts us at risk for osteoporosis, certain types of cancers, leg cramps, depression, loss of energy, heart problems
6. What is dry vitamin D and why is it important that we get it dry?
See my answers for #1 and #2