Oh nerves...
I had surgery about 6 weeks ago. I was a nervous wreck, I thought about everything that could go wrong, thankfully, nothing went wrong. I made it through (thus me writing), I did have pain, but I also had a pain pump... that was wonderful. Remember, just walk as soon as they allow you out of the bed (very important). Everybody's experience is different, but I had very little gas pain (or passing), my pain was muscular. I will tell you that at 6 weeks out, the memory of the pain has faded into nothing more than a bleep in my mind. I would go through it all again in a heart beat! Good luck and remember..breath:)
I am 6 weeks post op and have had many surgeries. Anxiety is normal but know I had little to no pain post op. In fact the only pain I had was back pain and they tell me that was from the operating table and I have alot back issues (3 back surgeries). I had them disconnect my pain pump the 2nd day and stuck to liquid tylenol but dont try to be like me. Get up and walk as much as you possibly can. For me the worst part was the gas and it didnt hurt just uncomfortable. I went home with no pain meds and went back to school on Fri of that same week. My surgery was on Mon. We tend to psych ourselves out alot but the nurses are there to help so let them help you. You will be fine. I promise. Good luck to all of you with your upcoming surgeries