Vitamin D quiz answers
Here are the answers. Everyone that responded did really well, so good job everybody!
What type of vitamin D do we need, D2 or D3? Why?
D3. D2 must be converted to D3 in the body in order for the body to use it and it takes a lot of D2 to make just a little D3.
If our vitamin D level is really low, should we take the prescription vitamin D? Explain why or why not.
Nope. It’s D2, plus it’s in oil and we don’t absorb fats well. The reason vitamin D is sometimes in oil is because it’s a fat soluble vitamin so “normal" people would absorb it well that way. But we are different.
Which vitamin D test do we need when we get our labs done, Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy or Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy?
Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy. And I’m afraid I can’t remember exactly why. But the 1,25 dihydroxy test does not tell us anything that we need to know.
What should our vitamin D level be?
At least 80. Lower than that, we are at increased risk for things like osteoporosis, heart disease and some cancers.
What happens if our vitamin D level gets too low?
Many people don’t notice any symptoms of low vitamin D, at least not until it’s super super low. Then they might get tired easily, feel weak, have muscle pain, feel depressed and get sick easily. High blood pressure is sometimes a symptom of low vitamin D, too. Perhaps the most serious thing is that we won’t absorb calcium well, no matter how much we take. We’ll leach calcium out of our bones to keep the level in our blood good instead.
What is dry vitamin D and why is it important that we get it dry?
It just means it’s not in oil. It’s a dry tablet or a capsule with powdery stuff inside. We don’t want it in oil since we malabsorb fats.
And here are a couple of good links if you wanna learn more about vitamin D:
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
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