time for another poll - weight and family history

on 11/9/11 12:41 pm - OH
I'm curious about how our weight relates to our family.  Or how it doesn't.  Here's what I'm thinking about:

1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?

5.  If they are overweight, do you think it's related to genetics?  Or do you think they've learned poor eating habits from you?   Or something else?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/9/11 12:47 pm - OH
And here are my answers.

1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?

Nope.  Both were normal weight when I was growing up.  My mother became underweight in recent years.  She is always saying she needs to lose 10 or 15 pounds and she doesn't.  She could stand to gain 5 or 10 pounds.  I haven't seen my father in about 20 years so I don't know how much he weighs now.

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?

I have one sister and she is slightly overweight but not very much.  I would guess she needs to lose 20 pounds, maybe.

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?

I definitely learned poor eating habits from my parents.  Neither liked to cook much and while they did put dinner on the table most nights, it would be something like mac n cheese (the kind in the box with bright orange cheesy powder), fish sticks, spaghetti, etc.  Not a lot of veggies.  When I stopped eating meat at age 14, they did not make any effort to make sure I was getting enough protein.  I don't think that's why I become overweight, but it didn't help me eat healthy, either.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


dori M.
on 11/9/11 12:57 pm - MD
1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?

Both of my parents are overweight

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?

I have 3 brothers & 1 sister. We are all overweight but the women in my family are more overweight than the men.

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?

I believe genetics played a part in my beigh overweight but I also believe it was a result of poor eating habits. My parents divorced when I was young so I was raised by a single mom. My mom wasn't a fan of cooking and when she did it wasn't always the best food. There was a lot of food especially veggies that I never tried until I was an adult because my mom didn't like them so she didnt cook them.

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?

I have 4 children. One  of them is slightly overweight.

5.  If they are overweight, do you think it's related to genetics?  Or do you think they've learned poor eating habits from you?   Or something else?

My oldest is a picky eater and an athlete (varsity football, basketball & weight lifting) so he barely has any body fat. The second one is about 20 pounds overweight but I have put hin karate for the past 2yrs so he has not gained any weight. I also changed his eating habits (by changing what kind of food and how much of it I allow him to have). The twins were born when I learned more about food and nutrition so they won't be overweight either. I give them carrot sticks, yogurt, fruit etc. for snacks. I'm very conscious about what goes in their mouths because of how overwight the women (including myself) in my family are. I want them to benefit from my experience. I also have them enrolled in sports and I have a daycare like playground in my backyard to make sure they get their exercise in.


on 11/9/11 12:59 pm - Chandler, AZ
1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?
Both are. My Mom is slightly overweight, but my Dad is morbidly obese. 50% of my extended family is obese and 50% is not I'd say.

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?
One brother - and he has always been a toothpick. 

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?
Perhaps a bit of both. I think the biggest thing that hurt me was being diagnosed as asthmatic when I was 6 in the early 80s. Back then I was very athletic, but since they did not seem to know what my asthma triggers were, and I often had episodes of exercise induced asthma, I ceased being active and started on my way to obesity. My brother always has been and remains active - and has never been overweight. We always ate the same growing up, but I never was active and never burned calories.

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?
No kids.

"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

jennifer W.
on 11/9/11 1:03 pm
1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?
No, my mom has always been "average." My dad has recently been considered overweight by 15lbs.

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?
I have one half sister who is overweight not obese. I have a brother and sister who are not overweight.

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?
My family always ate pretty healthy. I didn't become overweight until I met my husband. His family has super poor eating habits. I don't blame them at all but I do see where and when I started eating junk.

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?
I have a son and he is not overweight. If he wasn't so tall he would be. He is only 2 so I've been giving him healthy food since that's what I eat.

 HW: 365  SW: 342  CW: 182
Inch by Inch's Life's a Cinch, Yard by Yard, Life's Hard - Dr.
on 11/9/11 1:09 pm
 1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?
Both my parents were overweight but neither were morbidly obese or even obese I would think.  I remember they they always seemed to be going on one diet or another.

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?
I have a brother and sister.  My sister had WLS 9 years ago and from what I have heard she has regained about 40 lbs or so.  She never really reached goal but it doesn't sound like she really tried to change her eating habits other then eating less. 
My brother is also heavy, maybe obese but not morbidly obese but his weight goes up and down, too.

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?
I definitely think genetics is a big part of it as well as poor eating habits.  But for myself I believe I was born a compulsive overeater.  My earliest memories are all around food and I remember being obsessed with eating sweets, cookies, candy, cakes and things like that.  If I ever got any money I would go to the corner store and buy candy.  I remember grocery day because we would have all kinds of goodies but in a matter of days they would be gone and I would be complaining about not having anything to eat.
When I was pretty young, maybe 7 or 8, my parents were having marriage problems and they both gambled a lot and I would come home to an empty house and some change on the counter and a note to go get myself a hamburger for dinner at the hamburger stand down the street.  

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?
I have 5 children.  My oldest is adopted and he is a pretty big guy but not obese, just tall and big.
My second son was skinny until he was an adult and now he goes up and down some in weight.
My oldest girl was also skinny until she was about 11 or so and she has gotten very heavy in the past.  She is maybe 10 or 20 lbs overweight now but I remember after she had her first baby she was over 200 lbs and she is barely 5 feet tall.
My next daughter is the alien.  She has always been tiny.  Maybe a little pudgy at about 10 but she is a size 0 and doesn't seem to care much about eating too much.  No eating disorder, just not that into eating.  It always drove me and my younger daughter crazy when she lived with us we would find a cookie on the counter with one bite out of it or half a donut.
My youngest is my mini me.  She was my eating buddy for years but since she was born she has been obsessed with food.  She was the easiest child to potty train because when she turned 2 I told her I would give her some M & Ms if she went potty in the toilet.  I never bought a diaper after that.  She would come into my room and wake me up in the middle of the night to let me know she had gone to the toilet to get her candy.  That trick never worked with any of my  other kids.
She seems to have gotten worse since I have been eating healthy or maybe it is just more apparent since I am not joining her.  We went shopping yesterday and I let her pick out what she wanted.  No lie, I was unloading the bags and there were cookies, candy, granola bars and all kinds of junk.  I don't think she bought any food that wasn't loaded with sugar or carbs.  If she has any money at all she runs to McDonalds or Burger King.  
She is still in the overweight category but I can see her being morbidly obese at some point if she doesn't make changes.  I have tried talking to her but I remember my parents trying to talk to me about my weight and eating habits and it just made me want to eat what I wanted even more.  I really don't know what to do about it.

5.  If they are overweight, do you think it's related to genetics?  Or do you think they've learned poor eating habits from you?   Or something else?
Again, I think it is both.  I do believe, like the song says "I was born this way" but I also think that between how I ate as a child and the media constantly putting out messages about food every where you go, it was pretty much inevitable that I have eating problems.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 11/9/11 2:29 pm - Mesa, AZ
 1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?
My dad for the most part wasnt overweight, he did put on some weight as he got older. My mom has been overweight most of my life.

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight? 
I have 2 brothers, one is skinny and the other is overwieght. prob close to 300 lbs give or take. 

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those? 
I think genetics played a big part of it. My grandmother was overweight and died from diabetes complications, my great grandmother was overweight. I also didnt eat regular meals, so that helped mess up my metabolism. 

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?
I have 3 girls. The one I raised is not overweight. The two that I did not raise are. They were given whatever they wanted to eat, and are allowed to eat junk even though theyre diabetic.   I wi**** was a form of child abuse. Did you know they are considering that it be in some states?

5.  If they are overweight, do you think it's related to genetics?  Or do you think they've learned poor eating habits from you?   Or something else?
Well I kinda answered that a little bit above.  Im pretty sure it was that they were allowed to eat whatever they wanted and some genetics. When they came to my house for a few days one year, they would eat almost a gallon of ice cream in a sitting and a pound of bacon for breakfast.  My husband put a stop to that and wow did they get mad. Thats prob part of the reason they dont like to come visit. 

HW: 314 SW: 297 CW:166

on 11/9/11 3:11 pm - Canada
1. Were/are either or both of your parents overweight? yes

2. Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight? yes

3. Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents? Or both? Or neither of those?

4. Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight? no kids

5. If they are overweight, do you think it's related to genetics? Or do you think they've learned poor eating habits from you? Or something else? n/a

on 11/9/11 3:16 pm - Seward, AK

1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?
My dad and almost everyone on his side of the family

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?
No but only one sister from my dads side but she has always put on a few pounds now that shes getting older.

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?
Genetics big time! We always ate good food but eat to much with our slow metabolism

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?
No children and one reason I haven't had any- I don't want my kids to be like me

on 11/9/11 4:30 pm
1.  Were/are either or both of your parents overweight?
Yes, My father is morbidly obese as is his entire side of the family.

2.  Do you have any siblings, and if so, are they overweight?
I am an only child.

3.  Do you think genetics played a part in your being overweight? Or do you think you learned poor eating habits from your parents?  Or both?  Or neither of those?
Both. I do think like Hlacy, being diagnosed with asthma at age 6 in the 80s was a big thing, I couldnt go outside without having an attack and the disease was not very well understood back then. That and I am by nature not very energetic. I also think that once I had my son and got diagnosed with PCOS was my downfall. That and I eat out too much.

4.  Do you have children, and if so, are they overweight?
I have an 11 yr old son that does tend to get heavier before growth spurts. He is very active and does dance 4 hours a week. He also plans on joining track and cross country once he hits middle school.

5.  If they are overweight, do you think it's related to genetics?  Or do you think they've learned poor eating habits from you?   Or something else?

I am a bit worried he will get my side of the genetics and be prone to being overweight, thankfully his dad doesnt have that issue on his side of the family. I have been cleaning up the eating habits in the house and if we go out its normally subway and the lower calorie subs. I also think that schools serve very poor quality food (mostly simple carbs,very little protein) and garbage food. My son is taking his lunch to school now. Our school district still has the vending machines with soda and junk food in them also. Im hoping the get rid of them soon.
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