OT poll - what do you do for a living?
I am a finance director at a large teaching hospital. We own 2 other hospitals and have joint ventured with 3 others. My department is in charge of yearly financial reporting to Medicare and Medicaid. We are in charge of Medicare/MEdicaid Audits, tracking the physician residents, getting governmental payment for our charity, budgeting patient revenue and determining what we will receive on outstanding accounts depending on the insurance company since each contract is different.
I'm a senior administrative assistant to the Executive Officers of the finance department at a large cosmetics company headquartered in New York City. However, I also a doctorate in neuroscience, in the electrophysiology area, and used to work with rats in a lab. After a postdoctoral fellowship I decided that it wasn't the career path for me, especially since I became highly allergic to the lab rats.
So cool to see another EP person! I have been in healthcare my entire working life. I spent 3 years working in an electrophysiology lab at a major hospital. We ran clinical trials for arrhythmias. The animal lab was down the hall from my basement office, but I worked with the humans one floor up. ; )
Mary D.
Pre op: 260 lbs, 5'3"
Goal reached 14 months later: 130 lbs
Regain over next 3.5 years to a high of: 166 lbs
Current weight: 135.8 lbs and heading back to 130 lbs!!