OT - question about eating meat

on 11/5/11 1:51 pm - OH
I don't think there is anything wrong with eating meat if the animals are raised humanely and killed swiftly and with as little pain as possible.  And I don't think there is anything wrong with hunting if you are going to eat what you hunt and if you are respectful of the animal.

That's not the kind of meat most people are eating, though.  Most people eat meat from the factory farms.

By the way, the cows in factory farms are often fed grain that has been genetically modified.

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Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 11/5/11 1:29 pm - Belleville, IL
Just as a side note...I see NOTHING unethical about eating meat. If an animal is raised in humane conditions (or hunted) and killed SWIFTLY and with little pain (Google Temple Grandin...She is awesome!) than what is the problem?

That an animal is killed to eat it? Um, Ok...Well if a bear tried to eat me, I would hold no grudge against it...It's the nature of the beast.  Do SOME people raise animals cruelly/factory farm/etc? Yes...But that isn't the question. I KNOW where my meat comes from. I'm a farm girl from way back. Killed/slaughtered and dressed my own meat. It was a swift and as painless as possible kill as possible and ALWAYS I was thankful to the animal for giving nourishment to feed us.

Pumping steroids/antibiotics and crap in animals is bad...but that is not what we are talking here. We can go round and 'round THAT circle for ever. ALL living creatures feel pain. You, me, your dog, the cow, the pig, the deer I hunt. ALL of us are going to die. Our life force feeds other life force (including bacteria) and do the circle of life continues.  Here in IL we have so many deer who have "Wasting Disease" and get killed on highways because there is not enough hunters. There are MORE deer NOW (in 2011) than there was in 1711 or 1811!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sadly the deer starve, die slow deaths, etc.  Take out the predators (Us, wolves, etc) than what do you get?

People (humans) are omnivores...That is how we evolved over hundreds of thousands of years. Has nothing to do with religion (although I tend to lean towards Eastern teachings such as Buddhism and Zen) and everything with RESPECT for living creatures. You CAN be a carnivore and be respectful to the animals soul. We don't blame lions, cats, wolves, etc for killing and eating things do we?

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