You Can't Fix Stupid...

on 9/24/11 12:46 pm
We went out to eat tonight at TGIFridays...(BTW I ordered the grilled hibachi chicken appetizer and at three little pieces of chicken - about 2 oz).  About half way through the meal my daughter got very upset but wouldn't tell me what was wrong.  When we left she said that the man at the table behind us told a little girl sitting with him, "You have to watch what you eat because you don't want to get as fat as that woman."...and pointed at me.  Of course I didn't know what happened until after we left or I would have said something.

Yes, it is a good idea to be rude and point at fat people. (can you detect my sarcasm?) Let's raise our children to be judgemental and rude.  Yes, there is a way to say lets order something healthy - but it doesn't need to be at someone elses expense.  It really upset my daughter, she was crying (she is 11).  I told her it is okay baby,  you can't control what others say.  She said momma, "he is just stupid mamma...I told her baby  you can't fix stupid" I wish we could...
       Lap-Band 4.11.08                                     RNY Revision 8.1.11
       HW 276/ SW 259/ LW 219                       HW 283/ CW 218
on 9/24/11 12:55 pm
As I lean to my daughter and say, "You should never say stupid shizzzz like that man just did, because you don't want everyone to know how big of a di** you are!"

I hate stupid people!!
Cecilia W.
on 9/24/11 12:58 pm, edited 9/24/11 12:59 pm - Northport, AL
RNY on 02/06/12
I am so sorry that happened, and that your daughter had to hear what that awful person said. I go through that on a daily basis (at least the days that I go outside!). It hurts, and unfortunately our society has picked fluffy people as the last acceptable group to bully. It would be wonderful if we had some way to combat it, but instead we feel like crap when it happens, and no one gives a flying fig if they hurt a fluffy person's feelings.

on 9/24/11 1:12 pm - FL
What an a$$.... good that you didn't hear, because if you're like me you may have found yourself stooping to his level
on 9/24/11 1:14 pm
My heart goes out to you and your daughter. Your daughter is lucky that she has such a good role model.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 9/24/11 1:23 pm - Dover, NH
You are right, you CAN'T fix stupid, but you have taken the steps to change yourself.

I am sorry this happened to you and your daughter, sounds like you used it as a teaching moment.
on 9/24/11 1:28 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Terrible!  As if you intended to go out to TGIFridays and become a cautionary tale.  That man is stupid, and you are right, you can't fix stupid!  His insensitivity goes beyond the tacky pointing at the lady at the next table, but it also sounds like he is putting a frivolous  idea of self-worth into his daughter's head.  This child is going to have body issues for sure - to please daddy means she has to be thin, so I predict that her teen years will be hard and might unfortunately develop an unhealthy relationship with food.

I am so sorry you had to experiece all that - not kind..


Baby Boy Julian Frederick
Born August 11, 2011

on 9/24/11 1:31 pm
If I had been there and heard that I would have gone over to the guy and said "I may be fat but I can lose the weight.  You are an idiot and there is nothing you can do about that".  

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 9/24/11 1:51 pm - Cottage Grove, MN
If stupidity causes pain...physical pain there would be a lot less of it, just sayin....Too bad there are ignorant a-holes who breed, and pass along their brand of BS.
Lisa R.
on 9/24/11 2:09 pm - CA
 Wow, that is terrible.  Very mean.

Good thing it wasn't me, cause I would have taken my  kid, walked by their table like I was going to the rest room, stopped and asked him "Did you father know his sister a little too well because you sure do look like an inbred hick"

But that's just me.

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
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