Sort-of Off Topic - Need opinions

Angie H.
on 9/22/11 11:49 pm - TN
So I need lots of opinions here.... Was I wrong?

Went for my first recheck yesterday. My husband went with. My doc was already behind (the nurse had said he had gotten paged to the hospital when we first arrived.) We didn't have a terrible wait, until the nurse put us in a room.

We had been there a few min and at exactly the same time: In walks the doctor and my husbands work cell phone rings. The doctor sits down and I pat my husband (who is looking the other direction) and say "why don't you step outside?" He doesn't look at me or respond, so I  pause and repeat " why don't you step outside?" He STILL doesn't look at me or even acknowledge that I have spoken. The doctor says (smiling) "I think she wants you to leave...."
No response.... Then doctor says (good naturedly) "Or I could leave....." Of course I say "Oh,no, absolutely not (smiling)." By now my husband has hung up.... And we go on with the visit.

My husband got mad at me. He said that I was being ridiculous. I said that I thought he behaved rudely. We discussed it and disagreed.

Then he sent me a text this morning saying that I was out of line for asking him to leave. So he wanted to beat the dead horse a little more...

I thought my husband was rude to me, the doctor AND the caller on the phone. (He hung up on them.) My point of view was that He should have IMMEDIATELY stepped out of the exam room to finish his call. I thought he was rude not to even acknowledge that I was saying something to him and that he was taking time from my doctors visit, and I thought he was rude to the caller (again from work)  because he just hung up instead of walking outside and talking or explaining that he couldn't talk AND to the doctor who was already late.

My husband says I am being stupid. That the entire cell phone conversation was less than 15 seconds.

I say that that is not the point. That courteous thing would have been to excuse yourself....

What are your opinions? Am I being too hard?
on 9/22/11 11:53 pm
No if you asked him to leave he should respect that & step out. What do you think the big deal was to him about leaving.

Dan OBrien
on 9/22/11 11:53 pm - FL
I agree.  I don't think anyone should have their cell phone on or at least answer calls while in with the doctor.  You can always see the missed call and call back.  He should have stepped outside.  Rude all the way around. 
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(deactivated member)
on 9/22/11 11:58 pm
I agree with you.

It's rude to be on a cell phone call during a personal converstation and appointment (especially with your doc!)
on 9/23/11 12:07 am - VA

You were definitely in the right, he was there to support you at you doctor visit he should of hit ignore on his phone!  By the way how did your visit go?

on 9/23/11 12:09 am
I believe most doctors offices ask you to turn off your cell phone when you enter the office.  I would have at the very least put the call to voice mail.  I would never answer it in an office setting.  I work in customer service and their is almost nothing worse than helping a customer who is having a conversation that does not include you.  Some people that I work with just stop and stare quietly until they get the hint and end the call.
Diana C.
on 9/23/11 12:25 am - Austin, TX
RNY on 06/28/11 with
I completely agree.  He should have left the room once the phone rang for the first time.  It doesn't matter that the doc was late or not.  Common courtesy would have been to excuse himself from the room.  I think even the doctor seemed to think it was rude. 
Dave Chambers
on 9/23/11 12:27 am - Mira Loma, CA
This is one of my "pet peeves"--cell phone courtesy, or lack thereof.  When you go into a doctors office, or other places for an appointment, your cell phone should be off, and be set to take messages.  I know my support group leader has to ASK everyone to turn off their cell phones at the meetings. But invariably, someone's cell phone rings with some horrendou***** rock song, etc. as a ring tone.  He was disrespectful of the doctor.  Your husband was the rude one, not you.  His phone should have been off when you went into visit the doctor. I can understand the need to answer business calls, and if his phone was on vibrate, and the phone rang while in the waiting room, he could have left the room to answer.  I'm really surprised the doctor didn't leave to see the next patent due to your husband's reluctance to end his call. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
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on 9/23/11 1:07 am
I don't think you were in the wrong at all.. or being too hard. I deal with people daily and I always find it rude if I am in the middle of discussing something with them and they stop to answer their cell phone and usually it is something of no importance. Depending on what type of job your husband has, it may have been important for him to be able to be reachable.. BUT he should definitely have gone into the hallway.

My husband is the same about "beating the dead horse" he has kind of been ridiculous this week when I needed him to be the positive one for once.. he started out that way, but it didn't last. Geesh!!

Hang in there, you were right.. he was wrong!
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(deactivated member)
on 9/23/11 1:14 am
Ok I am the husband of Angie and I am here in my own defense. First off I also agree with proper cell phone edicate and I would never purposely disregard this for any reason. I will also admit I should have had my phone turned off. Now on with this although I do not feel it will make much difference.

First off we were placed in a room as my wife stated above but there was no way of knowing when the doctor was going to arrive and to be correct my phone rang a second or two before the doctor walked in. I figured I had time to tell this person I would have to call them back. I managed to get a Hello out of my mouth before the door opened and the Doctor walked in. My wife immediately starts telling to get up and leave. I was not engeaged in any conversation. The Doctor did make the comment I think she wants you to leave because he saw her telling me to leave.

So in the course of 13 seconds my phone rings, I say hello, The doctor walks in,  my wife telling me three times to get up and leave and me hanging up on my job which is also very important. I managed to become this purposely inconsiderate person with no cooth or edicate. I just can't imagine how my thought process was suppose to react in any other way inside the time frame of 13 seconds. I thought I did pretty good considering all that transpired in that very short amount of time. It never was my intention to engage in a conversation while the doctor waited on me but I guess within a 13 second time frame I should have had cat like reflexes and knew immediately what was to be done. I know it was 13 seconds because that was the entire length of the call.

I would love to see how much any one of you could accomplish in 13 seconds. I would not have aired this on a forum because I would have been chastised for telling our personal buisness to the world but since the door was opened I am allowed to defend myself. Also I do not believe this is proper forum edicate and takes away valuable server bandwidth and space. But then again I am rude and clueless.
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