Such a horrible day

on 9/22/11 3:37 am, edited 9/22/11 3:38 am - United Kingdom
What an absolute bummer.  I had an appointment with my surgeon today and when he asked about the  cardiac drugs I'm on it turns out I need clearance from a cardiac specialist to stop the Clopidogrel that I'm on for the stent that I have fitted.  This of course makes perfect sense and like he said there is no way he will do the op until he gets the ok but why oh why didn't the two departments talk to each other and send me an appointment with a cardiac Dr. so that the all clear could be given.  I may have to wait ages for an appointment now, I've just rung my own Dr and the next appointment I can have is 2 weeks away, will probably be 4-6 weeks before I get an appointment with the cardiac unit.  At least the surgeon said he'd phone the dept himself so it may be quicker.  I am so gutted, I've had to wait a year since the heart attack and all this could have been sorted out in that time. 

I really feel like a kid who's been told that Christmas has been put off till 6 weeks later.  What a let down.  I just feel like crying my eyes out, and we're going out for dinner tonight for our anniversary, don't fancy it now.

Mrs Quiggle x
on 9/22/11 3:45 am
I know is hard, but hang in there, it will happen. I had to wait 2 years for mine due to cancer, but the wait, though stremely annoying, was all worth it at the end. I hope your doctors can give you the all clear soon!!
on 9/22/11 3:50 am - United Kingdom
Oh Crikey thats rotten.  I've been waiting 3 years now, 2 going through the motions and being on the waiting list and a year because of the heart.  I know it will happen, I just feel like someone has just pulled the rug from beneath my feet.

Hope you're all recovered now and doing ok. In the great scheme of things another few months is nothing is it.

Mrs Quiggle xxx
Jeanne T.
on 9/22/11 4:23 am
I'm so sorry of the delay for your surgery, but you do want everything to be perfect so you can do the best with the surgery.  But I know the waiting is hard. Keep your chin up and I'll be thinking of you.

Dan OBrien
on 9/22/11 5:16 am - FL
That stinks!  All my surgeon's patients automatically need cardiac and pulmonary clearance.
Due to current economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.                                                                         HW: 396 GW:230
on 9/22/11 8:19 am
Keep your eye on your goal! 6 weeks is a mere hiccup- passes in a flash!

I was another that had to wait another year because of cancer treatment.

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 9/22/11 1:05 pm
I'm so sorry for the delay, but I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  In
the grand scheme of the rest of your life, this is a blip and I'm hoping
you'll be cleared and moving on in no time.  We'll keep a seat warm
and waiting for you on the losers' bench!  Keep the faith and we'll
do the same for you!

on 9/22/11 5:21 pm - United Kingdom
Thanks everyone.  It didn't help that my son who is doing his best to be a fully fledged teenager at nearly 14 years, complete with attitude, moods and hormones rushing round his body like an express train decided to have a complete melt down last night when I got cross because he hadn't done his homework again.  He's getting very hard to live with lately.

I have to tell my manager this morning about the possible delay which is going to cause no end of grief as  we have had to get someone in to cover me and I've made all my appointments etc around this time.  I know it will pass and is just a tiny blip but I just feel deflated.

I will pray about it and I know it will all be fine in the end.  Like they say, patience is a virtue.

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Mrs Quiggle xxx
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