goat milk, anyone?

on 9/22/11 2:58 am - OH
Anyone tried goat milk?  Did you like it?  How was it different from cow milk?  What about goat milk yogurt?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

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on 9/22/11 3:01 am
I tried Goat Milk once- it tastes different- have not tried the yogurt, but I love goat cheese. :) To me it has a gaimy (sp?) taste (the milk that is) but I tried it a long time ago from a local farmer, so it could be that there are different kinds and some taste better than others like with Soy Milk, etc.
on 9/22/11 3:08 am - OH
That could be.  I wonder if milk from grassfed cows tastes gamey too?  I have read that grassfed beef has a more gamey taste than beef raised on mostly grain.  I want grassfed.  Someone just suggested to me that I might have an easier time finding raw grassfed goat milk than raw grassfed cow milk, due to legal issues involved with selling raw milk.

Mostly I want it to cook with, anyway.  Sometimes I use milk in protein shakes, too.  but I don't just drink a plain glass of milk very often.  I also want it to make yogurt with it.  But I'm thinking that if I use it in recipes, there might not be such a  noticeable taste difference.  Of course, I might like the taste.  I was surprised to find that I really like soy milk.  I think sometimes we just get used to how something tastes, like skim milk, and then think we don't like anything different.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

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on 9/22/11 3:13 am
I have had grasfed cow meat and to me, it tastes better, but not gamey like goat or lamb or deer. I have also had grass fed buffalo, and I love it, no gameyness there either, and to me it seems more tender than beef.

Milk however, I haven't experimented much with. I will ask around to see what other people think, since I work with a couple of pees who do the raw diet.
on 9/22/11 3:17 am - OH
I don't know if I've ever had grassfed beef or not.  I haven't eaten meat in about 25 years.  I'm not sure how much beef back then was grassfed and how much was not.  I'm not sure I remember what it tasted like very well, anyway.  I've just read that it tastes more gamey.  I have had venison but that was also a long time ago, of course.  I've never had lamb that I know of.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Price S.
on 9/22/11 3:13 am - Mills River, NC
I know they use goat milk instead of cow with some babies because the fat is smaller celled ? and it is more digestable.  It is also more expensive than cow.  never have tasted it.

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on 9/22/11 3:19 am - OH
I'm sure it is more expensive than cow's milk, at least the cow milk you buy in the store.  Raw cow milk is expensive to, though. 

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Rena H.
on 9/22/11 4:05 am
My brother raises goats. He loves the milk! My great nephew just turned 1 year old and will drink goat milk more than cow's milk. I personally have not drank it but my mom cooks with it all the time and I have ate the food she prepares. I think it gives food a more richer taste. I have not noticed a gamey taste. 

If you lived in Virginia you could have all the farm fresh eggs (Chicken and Duck), and goat's milk that you could ever want. My brother gives it away to people.  

on 9/22/11 4:10 am - OH
Wow, that would be nice!  This may be a silly question, but do duck eggs taste like chicken eggs?  I've never even thought about other kinds of eggs besides chicken.

Of course I'd love it if someone just wanted to give me eggs and milk but I am happy to pay for them.  I just can't find anyplace to buy raw milk!  At least not raw cow milk.  I'm gonna have to research the goat milk a little.  I'm guessing if you bought goat milk in a store, it probably came from a small farm, wouldn't you think?  There aren't huge goat milk farms out there like there are with cows, are there?  Or maybe there are and I just don't know about it.  I'm assuming if I bought goat milk in a store it would be pasteurized, but maybe the goats would be raised on pasture, not in containment facillities?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Rena H.
on 9/22/11 9:05 am
I personally don't know what duck eggs taste like; however, I did call my brother, sister, mom and dad to ask what they taste like so I can let you know. It was a split decision, my sister and mom said they thought the duck eggs had a better taste than a chicken egg. They also said that you get more yolk in a duck egg. My dad and brother seem to believe the taste is similar to chicken eggs. The nutritional value of the duck egg is better. I may be able to tell you what duck taste like though if the little buggers do not stop sneaking in my pool, taking a poop on my deck and leaving feathers every where! (lol) J/K  

I am not sure about goat farms in my area, I have not heard of any but my brother has about 30 of them and they are grass fed. The field they are in has several huge apple trees, a pear tree, 3 black heart cherry tree's and a prisimon tree that they eat the fruit from too. I would think the taste of the milk would have to do with what the goats eat. (not sure though). I do know they are very happy and healthy animals. My brother built a temp controled chicken house for the chickens and ducks. He also leaves a radio on for them 24/7 (lol) I think that is to keep the coyotes, fox, bear and other animals away that may prey on the poultry. In addition, according to them it makes them lay more eggs! (Not sure about that one either) (lol) Everything that his animals eat, he grows on his land. He doesn't buy feed from a feed store. It is hard to tell what they put in store bought feed nowadays! (eek)
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