Poll About Labs
How often do you get labs done (after you are one year out; if you’re not a year out yet, how often will you get them done after you reach the one year mark)? Every six months? Once a year? Something else?
At a minimum once a year now, sometimes twice or as needed.
Do you request specific labs or do you just ask your doctor to order your labs and get whichever ones he or she chooses to order?
I do request Michelle's list of labs, although I have been none to leave a few off before.
Do you know what labs your doctor is ordering, and why?
He orders what I request.
Do you get a copy of your lab report?
I have copies of every lab since the pre-op labs were taken.
Do you have a hard time getting your doctor to order the labs you want? Or have a hard time getting a copy of your lab report from your doctor?
No problems getting what I want or getting a copy from his office. He as questions me on a few as to why I need them and the frequency I request them.
Anything else you wanna say about getting your labs done?
Labs are so important to monitor our post-op life. We MUST be diligent in having them done at least once a year. I know they can be costly my insurance requires a deductible every year and my co-pay is 30%. I've been fortunate possibly that I've been able to pay my portion out when it's been a high amount.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
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