public service announcement re: soda
I totally understand how my pouch works, and if i have eaten and drink soda, the carbonation DOES build up on top of the food and can cause problems; I just choose to avoid sodas even though a diet dew would taste really good some times.
H:260 G: 135 C:145 L: 131 BMI: 26 H: 5' 2 1/2"
RNY 10/07 LBL 11/09
One of my favorite drinks pre-op was club soda and I've stayed away because of the carbonation. I may give it a try since there are no calories in it, even the flavored kind. My favorite is Poland Springs sparkling water with lime.

My post op doctor said that drinking soda is fine, never once said that I couldnt' have them. I buy the pasturized egg whites that you can buy at the vitamin stores (it's great, it has no smell and no flavor) and mix it in with all of my drinks, including soda, so I can have a protein fix (Yay!) while satisfying my Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper craving.
Oh blah, I don't know what I'm getting all excited about. I forgot for a second that I am only eating free range eggs now. But anyway, I'd still like to know more about it.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.
Yes this is a liquid. You can google or go to Amazon and search Liquid Egg White Protein and the company who makes it is called Egg Whites International. It's a white tub with a green lable with a buffed up chicken on it. :) I think it's an excellent substitute for protein shakes because it's a whole food and I like to try to get most of my protein from a whole food source first before I resort to shakes and bars. The biggest complaint I hear is the whole mentality issue of placing egg whites in your food and it seems gross, but it's pasturized so it's completely tasteless and odorless and mixes in well (you can kinda see it if it's just plain water), if someone was slipping it into your coffee or soda you would never know. :) It kind of reminds me of the consistancy of milk and is not gooey through your fingers like a traditional egg white.
I have a pump with mine that screws into the top of the tub and each pump equals 1 egg white and about 3.5 grams of protein. How much protein you add is really up to you. :)
Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor. Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me. If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her. Check out my blog.