"How did you lose weight?" THE look.

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/11 12:28 pm - Boston, MA
Don't ever let anyone make you feel badly.. clearly they were uneducated about WLS and if it were me they frowned at they would have gotten a little education right there!! I can't stand people that look down their noses at anyone for any reason and I let them know it!  I would never say anything to hurt someone's feelings and I'm shocked when someone else does it and my inner ***** can't help but dish the **** right back.. I would have started with "why are you frowning?"  That said I'm so happy you love your haircut and I'd love to see a picture!
on 8/29/11 12:40 pm - MA

That is awful!! People really look down on us for making a decision to become healthier. If diet and exercise worked on their own, maybe the thousands of successful bariatric patients would never have had surgery. But they don't seem to realize that the easy way out would be to give up and just eat whatever we want and not do anything about our weight at all.

The woman was probably jealous of how fabulous you look!!


on 8/29/11 12:43 pm - NY
You were tremendously kind not to ***** them out. I would have wanted to!

Meanwhile, this is what I say. The truth except for the surgery.
I cut out sugar, carbohydrates and caffeine. I eat mostly protein and fruits/vegetables. I get a lot of exercise. Plus, I also tell them that I eat my protein first and wait a while afterward to drink so that the food stays in my stomach so I feel full.

I am rarely comfortable telling my story as I will admit (here) that I am still feeling some shame for my huge weight and don't want to have anyone tell me what you were told.

I admire you for dealing so calmly with it!
Lisa R.
on 8/29/11 1:15 pm - CA
This is exactly why I don't tell strangers anymore!  I told a lady at this football event over the weekend that I have lost 72 lbs since March 2010, she asked how, I told her it was under medical supervision. Not a lie!  Just not every detail.

POST PICS OF THAT HAIR GIRLIE!  I have long long hair and I love it but it is failing out so bad.  I thought I could get away with out cutting it.  Still on the fence about it.  Want to see your hair for motivation. 

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 8/29/11 1:45 pm - Boise, ID
I'm very open about my surgery, and had about  a 98% positive response.  I spoke with my counselor one day about a negative response I got and how I handled it.  I'm a pretty strong person and tend to be quick to defend myself so when this colleague responded to the fact that I was having surgery with "Do you KNOW how dangerous that it?"  I said "I fully understand the risks and I made this decision with my doctor for the betterment of my health."

My counselor suggested I take a different approach and merely say.  "It sounds like you are concerned about the safety of the surgery.  I appreciate the concern."  That way it validates her feelings but I take the high road.

I'd much rather put someone in their place and make them feel bad!  lol  But, I'm learning every day to be more accepting and more tolerant and it's probably better for me.  Dang counselor - so right and well-adjusted!  lol

I should practice how I would respond to the snotty hairdresser (Yes, I called her snotty, I'm on the way to enlightenment but not there yet!).  Maybe I'd say "It sounds like you feel strongly about exercise and healthy eating- that's great!" 

At any rate- good luck and keep up the good work and the positive attitude!  :-)  And get that new pic on here soon! 

One of my favorite quotes is from Eleanor Roosevelt.  "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
HW:  407 SW: 357 RNY 7/11/11      
Celia S.
on 8/29/11 1:52 pm - Grand Junction, CO
I would have walked out, dripping wet hair and all. You are incredibly strong willed, Katie!

It is a bunch of ignorance that gives WLS the stigma of being the easy way out. It shouldn't matter how one loses weight, just that they do and are healthier as a result!

If "making the right food choices and exercising" was fail-proof, WLS would never have been invented! It ****** me off that people judge others without knowing a damn thing about them!

Hooray for you, though, for standing your ground while maintaining your cool! Can't wait to see the new hair, sweetie! :)

Kat Kat
on 8/29/11 6:43 pm - AZ
I think your hair looks really cute. Great look and a nice change from the hairstyle on your last picture . I wouldn't  let what those women did bother you. One thing I've learned over the years is that EVERYONE has some type of issue or hardship. While ours was obvious (note the word WAS), we're changing it.  Still, I'd pick obesity rather than be as miserable and horrid at those women at the salon any day. Keep up the Great work!


