Day 5 post-op

on 8/23/11 1:17 pm - Haughton, LA
Well ladies and gentlemen,,,,,, today when I got up, I decided to check my blood sugar just for fun and it was 87!!!!!!!  It has not been that good in two years on medication!!! I just started crying, I felt so blessed.  I still can't believe I am off all of my medicines and feeling so good.  I stayed around the house today and just kind of piddled around.  A few weeks before my surgery, a lady from church and I were talking about getting our houses organized and she said she loves the flylady, well I didn't know what she was talking about so she told me to go to and check it out.  Its free and a fun way to clean and organize your house in minutes a day.  So by the time my surgery date arrived, my house was completely cleaned and organized like it has not been in years.  So today when I got up, and looked around, I didn't have anything major to do, so I just did my modified dialy routines which take about 30 minutes in my post surgery state of being and I had the rest of the day to just relax and do what I wanted.  I worked on our buget and tied up some loose ends and then I decided that I was actually going to sit down and watch a movie and just enjoy "me" time!  It was glorious, I wound up falling asleep during the movie, but hey it usually takes me a few times to get through a whole movie.  But tonight I am excited to report to you that I walked around the high school track 4 times!!!  I think that is a mile, but it is not posted anywhere so Im not sure.  I did two laps last night and didn't want to pu**** but tonight I felt even better and decided to do three and I still felt really good so I went for the fourth!  I still felt fine after that, but decided I did not want to pu****  Tonight I had 100% grape peach juice no sugar added.  It was really yummy.  I was talking to my grandmother tonight and I told her I didn't know if I was feeling so well because I had been feeling so run down for the last six months or if its just the combination.  My glucophage for my diabetes really messed with my stomach and it wasn't working very well so the upped the does and that really did a number on me.  Every time I ate, I was nauseated, stomach cramps, and diarrhea, didn't matter what I ate.  So I think physically I just pushed through and did what I had to do, but I have not had any of that since my surgery and when I nap, its only for an hour or two, not all day long!  I just want to keep encouraging those of you who are close behind me and those of you who are a little a head of me.  When we made the decision to risk it all to be healthy, we felt it was our only hope. Well the ones of us that are on the other side are on our way to victory even if some of us are hitting bumps in the road, we just have to remember that it will only last a little while.  Those of you who are waiting, try as you may, you may never really feel prepared until you wake up from surgery and its done and over with, but I hope that reading our stories helps to ease your mind, because it is an emotional roller coaster, but man what a ride it will be when we get to our goals of being healthy!  God bless and have a good night!
  Kimberly                     Faith makes things possible, not easy!
on 8/23/11 1:29 pm
OMG...reading your post made me feel like I was reading something someone wrote about me. Having the same issues with glucophage, makes me soooo sick, stomach cramps , all of the above you named, and does not seem to work all that great. Can't waite to have surgery next Wed. (week from tomorrow), I hope I am as blessed as you and are able to come off of my diabetes meds, also blood pressure and cholesterol!!!
Congrats to you and keep up the good work.
on 8/23/11 1:44 pm - OH
I hope you're going to keep updating us on how you're doing every day.  I just love reading your posts.  I'm glad you're feeling so well and I also think it's great that you're doing things like taking time for yourself to watch a movie.

You know, there may be some bumps for you down the road, but I think you'll get through them just fine because you have such a positive attitude.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/23/11 2:04 pm - Chandler, AZ
It's nice to read your update. I had surgery the day before you. I was diagnosed as Type 2 two weeks before surgery and started metformin then. My levels were high the two days in the hospital after surgery, and I was nervous (highest was 199). But since I've been home the highest read has only been 105. I'm still on the metformin, but the temporary experience with diabetes has made this surgery all the more worth it. I had my first meal today (refried beans and cottage cheese), then had a nice BM (sorry TMI) about five hours later, LOL...

My only complaint has been the fatigue. I've been really tired the last few days and have not walked a lot (I feel like it's not enough). I did get in a nice two hour walk running errands yesterday, though...

I am also napping for only a couple of hours, and it's not been every day. 

Just one day at a time right now! 

"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

on 8/24/11 7:40 am - KY
I am so confused, i believe u and i had surgery the same day the 17th. I was thght too  believe, i was supposed to be on clear n full liquids for a certain time then start pureed diet! i believe i was supposed to start on pureed, but i am having diffuclties with hiccups, so dr gave me a cple more days on liquid. :(  anyways the reason y im repling to ur message is refried beans n cottage cheese is considered pureed/blenderized. I have been so nervous about wht food i can have siince my surgery. i also have type 2, no metformin, though messes with my body, so i take cinammon pills. unable to take that right now due to only being able to take liquid meds. i am so very new to this, so any suggestions on food/drink/protein would be greatly appreciated.. 1 more thing i keep reading about the "losers bench" but what does it mean. apparently i am finally on the losers bench as well...
on 8/24/11 10:10 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi J,

My surgeon is different than many in that she does not believe in a full liquid or pureed food stage. We are on clear liquids for 7 days post op, then after that we begin normal food. At my week post-op education class yesterday, we had a choice of 2 each - low fat cottage cheese, refried lowfat beans, hardboiled egg or soy-marinated tofu. After that we are only restricted from grains, sugar, raw veggies, corn, white potatoes and caffeine. We eat dime sized bites, 2-3 oz. of food in a 3-to-1 ratio per sitting (3 bites protein to 1 bite fruit or veggie). We also do the 30-20-30 ratio (30 mins no liquids before eating, eat mindfully for 20 minutes or until satisfied, whichever is less, then 30 mins until any liquids after eating). We are allowed 2 protein shake snacks during the day, up to 100 cals. each. 

I was always on my pill meds after surgery (Metformin, potassium and Celexa), just cut into pea size pieces. The only liquid I have now is my Vicodin, which I am pretty much off of and only on Tylenol. 

As far as suggestions, it all depends on what your surgeon advises at this point since we are so early out. I am following my plan as best I can, and so much of it is trial and error I am finding since all of our bodies are so unique. And the "losers bench" is the weight losers bench - welcome!! :)
"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

on 8/23/11 2:15 pm - MN
 Wow thats so awesome.  Kelly sent me to this post because i am a bit wound up and scared and anxious about surgery.   I know its the right thing for me because i don't want to be on meds for diabetes or high blood pressure meds or things for bad knees and feet...etc..  I have had NO ONE say anything to me but about a month ago i had my blood sugar tested at my WL clinic and it was 107.  My blood pressure has been elevated for the last 6 months at least.  No one has ever put me on meds for my constant high chol. so thats another thing. I would rather have the surgery and go through some of the minor bumps one might have and use my tool for the good.
Keep posting because i think i have been following you since before your surgery.  i have only tomorrow of full liquids and that wonderful mag. citrate and then surgery the next day.  Keep me in your thoughts.  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 8/24/11 10:20 am - Chandler, AZ
Best of luck tomorrow Lilbear - you'll do great!

"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

on 8/23/11 2:53 pm - Haughton, LA
I am so excited for all of us! And my list of friends just keeps growing! I do feel very blessed to have this site to turn to for lots of encouragement and know when i have issues that i will have friends who can encourage me and get me over the hump! Lilbear we are over here waiting for you to join the losers bench, got a seat just for you!!!
  Kimberly                     Faith makes things possible, not easy!
on 8/23/11 2:57 pm - Haughton, LA
Same goes for you Angie, we got a seat on the losers bench with your name on it!
  Kimberly                     Faith makes things possible, not easy!
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