panicked or what?

on 8/23/11 9:01 am - MN
 OK i am seriously going to have to stop obsessing and reading these forms.    To much information is making me seriously think about my decisions.  If i don't get this surgery done, then i could have problems starting with my already high blood pressure, high weight, borderline diabetis and high chol.  But reading about some of the issues some people have had, makes me think i would rather take a pill for high blood pressure rather than worry about why i have this problem or that problem and what if i eat this chicken will i choke to death or get it stuck or puke?  Please tell me this is all worth it..and help me remember that the simple little things pass and although its not always perfect, its better than having the other things i mentioned.  starving  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 8/23/11 9:13 am - West Chester, PA
 at just about 11 months out i think it's totally worth it. i'm around the 90 lb lost mark (i'd love to hit 100 by my 1 year but i don't see it happening). i'm smaller than i have ever been as an adult, went from a tight 24 (really should have been a 26) to a comfortable 14 or a very tight 12 (yesterday was the first time i tried and actually got them up so maybe soon!). i just moved to nyc and live on the 3rd floor in a building with NO elevator. a year ago i would have not moved to the building just because of that. my confidence level has skyrocketed and i feel great. my blood pressure has stabilized (i'll always be on meds because of other heart problems) and i've been taken off my cholesterol med and depression med. 

you're two days away. after all they put us through to get the surgery i'm sure you know this is the right decision. we all get the jitters. it's like cold feet before a wedding. stop reading things on here and just concentrate on how great things are gonna be!

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

Citizen Kim
on 8/23/11 9:29 am - Castle Rock, CO
Really, it's not that bad!   People pretty much come on here to share - some people like to use it like Twitter and outline every bit of stuck chicken and loose bowel movement.

In 7+ years on here, I don't think I have EVER started a thread on a surgery board.  Yes, I have got food stuck, yes, I have puked, yes, I've gone to the toilet up to 4 times a day but I don't think that for me merits a post!  Others like to share and get support and they should!

It doesn't mean that life after surgery is desperately awful - for most of us, it really isn't.   If you have done your research, and you know what to expect, you won't be surprised by what happens.   It's as simple as that.   I am shocked by how little people know when they have gone onto the surgical table and allowed a surgeon to rearrange their guts and then express shock about the consequences!!!   But then I put that down to different personalities and needs.

It's perfectly normal to be nervous - there would be something wrong if you weren't - but I'm sure you will be absolutely fine!  

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 8/23/11 9:42 am - OH
Most people feel it's worth it.  I can only think of two or three people I've seen post, ever, that said they truly wished they had not had surgery.  But I've seen literally hundreds say they were very glad they had it.

I might have rathered just take a pill for high blood pressure too, if that would have been the only consequence for not losing weight.  unfortunately, it would have been more like take meds for high BP, take insulin shots for diabetes, use a CPAP for sleep apnea, get cortisone shots in my knees every three months, wear slip on shoes because it was too hard to bend over to tie shoes, and die young anyway.  To me, having minor issues with low BP or low blood sugar means I got the much better deal.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/23/11 9:54 am
I understand how you feel, I am waiting on the surgeon to call me for a final visit and date, I guess...been released from my dr.
I hear different things that are scarry and I hear things that are good and my emotions get tied up in it. Then I don't know whether to continue or not. But everytime I hear something bad, there is someone who encourages me and says it will work out even if u have some battles. And I guess that this forum is for that. There is always someone who had the same problem or heard of someone else that did, or has some suggestions to try or just plain advise, to help you deal with it and get through it.  

I have a good friend who said, well if its ur time to go, it won't matter if you had the surgery or not...I don't want any trouble but if I don't have the surgery I am gonna have more health problems. Heath problems are slowly increasing as the years go by.

I hope mine is soon and I hope I have this much comfort when I am only 2 days

Hope everything goes ok for u...keep me informed please.
on 8/23/11 9:55 am
You WILL get through these next couple of days just fine... I suggest trying to avoid some of the posts on here until after your surgery.  I had to do that because it just seemed like all I was reading were the scarey or negative side effects that only some people have.  It actually reminded me of right before I have to take an airplane trip...without a doubt there will be a news article of some sort on the news about a plane that has crashed.  You will look back at the end of the week and feel so much better about your decision to make this change for your health and for your family!

I will be watching for your post op posts!  Hope you feel great afterward. 

on 8/23/11 10:33 am
i ended up convincing myself and adopted a quote i heard on a movie that made so much sense to me and my predicament and it was simply this,,,"get busy living or get busy dying"
on 8/23/11 12:15 pm, edited 8/23/11 12:16 am - MN
So yeah its true. You all have great advise and have made me feel so much better. I had started out this journey knowing i wanted to do the lap band. But then realized i would have to work super duper hard to get off 100 lbs probably and it would take forever. I am not against hard work but i have been doing that for the last 15 years and it hasn't paid off well. Oh and i am over the age of 40 now and i don't have much metabolism. lol Then i went to an information meeting and decided for sure that it would have to be the vertical sleeve and i am still sure that would be the best for me but insurance doesnt pay for it. I am old not rich. lol So RNY was my last choice. I decided that it was the best over all and now i am happy about that. But hardly nothing i have heard on the web is something that is in the books. I was also told that if i follow the program it won't be bad. I don't expect perfection but i hope i don't have some of the things i've heard here. But then you never hear about what was going on to bring this or that on. Yeah i don't want to do all the things kelly mentioned...because thats where i am headed also. I just needed a confidence boost..thanks my new friends..

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 8/23/11 1:54 pm - OH
Have you been following coolcatkimmie's posts?  Check this out:  She is only FIVE DAYS out!  Everyone is different and there is no way to know for sure that your story will be like hers.  But statistically, there is a better chance it will be similar to hers than like many of the problems you read about here on OH.

Something that's important to remember is that people that are having problems often spend lots of time online looking for solutions and are more likely to post somewhere like OH looking for advice or support.  People that are doing really well are less likely to post here just to tell us how great they feel.  They are more likely to be out living their life.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/24/11 12:07 am - FL
I totally DO NOT regret my desicion to have RNY! even with some of the complications i had the first few months out. Yes I have ate too fast and gotten sick or ate something that didn't agree but its all a learning process and takes time you have a new pouch that is healing and needs it's time. I am so very grateful for this board and all the advice on it. 
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