Confused and Concerned..

on 8/20/11 11:43 am - PA
Hey everyone. Well I started my job the other day and we are worknig 7-7. Well today I had to come home becuase I got so sick and not sure why. Up till I got sick I had 60 ounces of fluid in me. Had my normal amount of protein that I have by that time. 

I was putting up shelves for flowers and all of a sudden I got dizzy, sick to my stomach, and went ghost white. The lady I was working with kept tellin me my shelves were crooked and I was no they are least to me. BUt nope they were messed up like she said. i wasnt seeing straight.

So I asked to come home early and on my way out I ran to the potty and got sick. When HUbby got me home I went to bed and passed out for like 4 hours. 

What could this have been? 

I go back in tomorrow for another 7-7 and dont want it to happen again.
 Come visit me on my blog 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

on 8/20/11 11:52 am - TX
Could be anything but my guess would be low blood sugar.

I have to eat every 2-3 hours or I have episodes just like that. Usually if I eat something it goes away in about 5 mintues.

Be careful!!
Lady Lithia
on 8/20/11 11:52 am
When my blood sugar crashes, I get confused, can't do things right, get dizzy, sweaty, nauseous .... I try to snack every couple of hours. I have two blood sugar monitors to keep track of things. Also my heart races.

I try to get 120+ ounces of liquid in, and 75 or more grams of protein daily. I get dizzy and faint too.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 8/20/11 10:40 pm this something that came on slowly for you?  I haven't been on the boards consistently, but I did not know this was an issue for you.  Did it start slowly and increased with regularity?  Does that mean you have regular reactive hypoglycemic episodes unless you eat snacks regularly?

Lady Lithia
on 8/21/11 12:43 am
I started to suspect it about the time I got to goal, (29 months postop) and I found that I got light-headed easily. I ate pretty regularly and didn't worry about it too much, but when I went off my schedule (Had surgery on my tailbone) I wasn't following a schedule... when I returned to work 5 weeks after surgery, I was having more trouble, and when summer began I just started having "episodes"... finally bought a blood glucose meter, and began to test my blood sugar when I suspected it was going low, and it WAS.... and how. As time progressed and the snack item I had went off the shelves, I had more troubles because a lot of the other snack Items I tried to substitute didn't do the job for me, even the FAGE yoghurt I love was doing me in.... I found that my blood sugar would crash within an hour of consuming FAGE if it was zero-percent I have to get teh full fat stuff or I crash.

The biggest problem for me is that when I was a dumper, I rarely ate sweets, but I would from time to time, usually not enough to make me dump, but I didn't feel DEPRIVED ... I had what I wanted when I wanted it, and when it was too much and I dumped, I'd be back on the straight and narrow quickly. Now I hate the RH far more than dumping, because dumping was just a temporary feeling of unease, I got over it quickly, no harm no foul, and in the meantime yummy sweets. (I'm a sugar addict I admit it).... but now if I have something with enough sugar to make me dump, I'm having RH later and it's BAD it makes dumping look like the sniffles compared to pneumonia. 

So I finally got some of the snack food that works for me (I don't know why it works so well) and I've stopped having much trouble. But I hate going shopping and seeing all the foods that I'm afraid to eat for fear of setting offf an RH episode. I have my snack bars, TONS of protein shakes (I'm drinking 3 full-scoop shakes a day, and three to five 1/2 scoop shakes in addition).... and Quiche... I eat hardly anything else. Once it's colder I'll make some lasagna and freeze it in individual serving sizes, that works for me too. (it's 110+ degrees here right now, too hot to cook)... But most of my food consumption is the stuff that works and doesn't make me dump and doesn't give me RH.... and I've never craved cookies this badly since I realized how literally deadly they can be in my particular situation.

I'm eating or sipping on a protein shake from morning to night, and always having a nut snack before sleeping so I won't wake up sick in the middle of the night. The 10 pounds I gained after my surgery is still with me, not budging. I'm only amazed I don't gain weight.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 8/21/11 1:18 am

I started having a few reactive episodes maybe a little less than a year out.  The first time it happened  when I went to a Mexican food restaurant and ate chips for the first time.  One and half hours later, I had some sort of issue but was not sure what.  I assumed it was my BS.  It happened again when I again ate chips.  I think it was because by the time my food came I was full, so all I had were the carbs.  I mentioned this to my endocrinologist, and she prescribed a meter for me.

I have had numerous, not too many, events with my BS dropping to usually low 40s.  I don't seem to have the symptoms others have as far as severity.  I get a little lightheaded, dizzy and eat some PB and crackers and I am okay.  That all changed on July 22nd.

My daughter and sister flew in for my daughter's baby shower.  My sister was having her hair cut.  About an hour before we left, I had a small amount of candy.  While everyone was gone and I was waiting for my sister, I began feeling very, very dizzy.  It happened really quickly.  I laid my head in my lap, became drenched with enormous amounts of sweat and realized I was in trouble.  I could not stand up or do anything.  Finally I lifted my head, and one of the salon employees saw me.  She jumped up and started asking if I was diabetic.  I could hardly talk.  She immediately went next door and bought me a bottle of orange juice and another gave me some PB and crackers she had.  I have no idea how low my BS dropped, but Ijudging  my symptoms when it was low 40s, I'd have to say I was probably close to having a medical emergency.   It scared me so badly, I cannot even say how horribly it impacted me.  When my two daughters got back to the salon they were concerned then furious with me for eating the candy.

Now I am scared to eat anything sweet.  I had a bite or two of my husbands dark chocolate covered almonds, but they did not affect me and were not sweet hardly at all.  I also had a few bites of candy the other day.  I must be crazy with no ill effect.  But I am petrified the whole time and think this little bite is not worth the effort. 

My endocrinologist is treating several RNYers for this with medication.  She is very familiar with the syndrome.  Have you considered the medication; I don't know the name of it but have an appointment in September and will try to remember to ask her.  I believe mine can be controlled by following the rules.  I hope I am right.  However after reading your comments, I wonder about how RH can progress.

Lady Lithia
on 8/21/11 2:23 am
I'm pretty sure that I've been affected with RH since I was about a year out. I had really tight restriction adn really bad dumping syndrome, so I would eat small amounts often and drink protein shakes always in between all meals. I never really noticed it until this year, after my surgery, and after my snack bars stopped being made. I've had some scary bad episodes and I'm frightened to eat what I shouldnt' eat, and now I want it due to being denied it.... stupid head games. but it's frightening to stop making sense, to get dizzy and particularly to be drenched in sweat.. sometimes when it crashes, it crashes FAST.

I haven't seen an endocrinologist yet. I have an appointment with one in October. I could see him earlier but if I did I'd have to take time off work, and I don't want to do that. (so yeah, I'm crazy).

I really worry about it more than anything. If I eat anything that I haven't proven to myself is safe, I have to test in an hour, and test again thirty minutes later. I feel like I'm literally always putting something in my mouth. The only time I don't is after my nut-snack at night, and during the half hour after eating that I don't drink.

We'll see what the endocrinologist says when I see him. Part of me wants to not bother (hate doctors) because right now I've been very stable for several days and the more stable I am the more of a fraud I feel.... and then I do something stupid like forgetting to eat, or eating something I shouldn't...and I crash again.

It's a strange balancing act and it's more attention than I want to pay to food. Since I never got my appetite back after RNY, it's hard to remember to be stuffing my face all the time.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 8/20/11 11:57 am - PA
 See thats the thing tho LL this has never happened to me before and I eat and even drank more then I usually do by that time of the day. Can low sugar just start happening out of the blue? would this be RH? 
 Come visit me on my blog 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

Lady Lithia
on 8/20/11 12:05 pm
RH can start  to get you suddenly. I suspected RH since I was about a year out, but it wasn't until this summer that I verified it, and my "go to" snack was taken off the shelves. I started crashing all the time, and it is really disturbing. One of my first unverified RH episodes was last Christmas when I was vacationing with hubby in teh pacific northwest. It was way below freezing out, and our hotel room had a heating unit that didn't function well, so it was COLD in the hotel room. I woke in the middle of the night sweating profusely, and my heart was racing like a train, I literally clocked my pulse TEN times and it was 240!!! I was confused and disoriented, and realized it might be RH, so I ate a couple of nutty snack bars, and planned to wake hubby.... within ten minutes I felt fine and went back to sleep (it was 3 am). I'm certain that was an RH episode.

Last week I had to give a test to my geometry kids, and I had two classes with 52 students (they finally created another class, but hadn't by this day) ...and I spent several hours trying to arrange the tests so I could pass them out in only a couple of minutes (a monumental feat of organizing for such large classes).... by the end of the two hours I realized my BS was crashing.... and I ate something. Sadly, the last batch of test papers was NOT organized the way I KNEW I had organized them because I was crashing and so when I counted out tests and stuff, everything was not done the way I anticipated. I made a lot of mistakes. This lack of mental clarity REALLY worries me. I look back on my activities and realize that when I'm low, I'm making mistakes right and left.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 8/21/11 1:34 am
I was a math teach too - Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and Pre-Cal.  Fifty-two per class....horrible.  Thank goodness they finally created another one.  There are no breaks in teaching, no sitting at the desk opportunities like when I was in business that allows you to "catch your breath."  Teachers have to be "on" all the time.  I am no longer teaching and can't imangine how difficult it would be to have a RH episode while conducting class.
