Feeling hungry 4 days after surgery

on 8/20/11 10:19 am
From everything I have heard and read everyone struggles to get their liquids and protein in immediately following surgery.  I am post op day 4 and today I not only have had no trouble getting my liquids/protein in but I feel hungry.  Is the hunger normal?  Will that go away once I am on the puree diet? 
on 8/20/11 10:34 am - OH
I bet some people post here and tell you that it's not real hunger but just head hunger, or that your stomach is all gurgling from surgery and that's what you're mistaking for hunger.  Those things might be true, but I'm not in your body so I don't know.  And I don't really think it matters.

Is it normal?  It is normal, but it's just as normal to feel absolutely no hunger at all for months.  Both experiences happen.  The feeling might go away once you're on pureed foods.  Until then, I suggest drinking a lot, getting as much protein as you can (spread out over the course of the day) and trying warm drinks.  For some reason, hot herbal tea or broth feels a little more like food to me than cold drinks.  Maybe it's partly just because you have to sip it slowly, I don't know.  But try it.  And try jello and popsicles.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 8/20/11 10:55 am
I felt REAL hunger a couple weeks out. My pouch always tells me when it's time to eat. Although, some people could be a year out and still not feel hungry. It's so weird how everyone is so different. Good for you for getting in your protein/liquids, and welcome to the bench!
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
Jane N.
on 8/20/11 11:28 am - Round Rock, TX
I felt real hunger almost immediately after surgery (and those that didn't, well good for you).  I agree with Kelly to try warm liquids as an option.  For some reason warm liquids give me a full feeling longer than cold (and my pouch prefers warm to cold anyway).  It could get better when you go to pureeds but remember not to rush any sooner than your doc advises.  You really want to give your new tummy as much rest as possible while it's healing.

on 8/20/11 12:27 pm
I had surgery the same time as you and yesterday I had a moment of being "hungry". I think part was my head not cathing up to my surgery, my senses reacting to the foods being eaten around me, and being slightly hungry. Today, no hunger but yesterday  I was a bit hungry.

What is you meal schedule like? I have a small breakfact (1/2c farina), protein(1/2c protein drink), lunch, protein, dinner, snack. In between lots of liquids.

I must say I can't wait to be on pureed foods (I'm allowed to have tuna salad, egg salad and scrambled eggs).

I'm keeping a journal to keep me on track.
Lisa R.
on 8/20/11 1:36 pm - CA
I felt real hunger too that first week after surgery.  REAL hunger, not head hunger.  You know how I know it was real?  I was feeding my dogs and their dog food smelled good to me!  DOG FOOD!  

I have never lost the hungry feeling.  Man that ****** me off cause I was so looking forward to not being hungry.  I will say that it is different, not as strong and less aggressive the pre op hunger.  But it is there.  

I love that you posted this and I love all your replies because it means I am not alone.  Some people get all upset when other lose weight faster or wear smaller sized cloths.  Not me, I get upset when people say how they never feel hungry!  I think I am just jealous cause that is what I wanted the most. 
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 8/21/11 1:00 am
Thank you everyone for your postings.  I have started drinking warm tea and it does seem to subside the hunger.  I have one more day to wait out until I am able to eat puree foods.  I am hoping that once I have something with real substance I will not have this hunger any longer. 
on 8/22/11 12:17 pm - VA
I had RNY on 8/15/11 and I was hungry yesterday. I thought I was losing my mind. It is not "head" hunger, it is the real deal. Thank to all for posting as it is good to know that I am not alone.

One of the major reasons I, too, had the surgery was to lose the hunger. I did Weigh****chers for three years+ and lost 95 lbs. However, the more weight I lost, the less points I had to eat and the hungrier I was. My willpower or whatever wasn't strong enough to deal with that day in and day out.

I hope that transitioning to mushies will help with the hunger. I was also on a liquid diet the two weeks leading up to surgery so I am wondering if that has something to do with my hunger. I am looking forward to my post-op appointment on Wednesday.

on 8/23/11 9:33 am
Please let me know how you made out.  Today was my first full day of puree, and I was still a little hungry.  I am giving my body some time to adjust, I think some of it may just be my body is still in shock over the surgery.  Good luck tomorrow!
on 8/25/11 10:29 am - VA

Today is my first day on mushies and I was still a little hungry as well.

It feels great to actually eat more "normal" food, but I hope the hunger goes a way.

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